"Thou seist ful sooth," quod Roger, "by my fey; |
| But `sooth pley quaad pley,' as the Flemyng seith. |
| And therfore, Herry Bailly, by thy feith, |
35 | Be thou nat wrooth, er we departen heer, |
| Though that my tale be of an hostileer. |
| But nathelees I wol nat telle it yit, |
| But er we parte, ywis, thou shalt be quit." |
| And ther-with-al he lough and made cheere, |
40 | And seyde his tale, as ye shul after heere. |
| "You say the truth," said Roger, "by my fay! |
| But 'true jest, bad jest' as the Fleming saith. |
| And therefore, Harry Bailey, on your faith, |
35 | Be you not angry before we finish here, |
| If my tale should concern an inn-keeper. |
| Nevertheless, I'll tell not that one yet, |
| But before we part your jokes will I upset." |
| And thereon did he laugh, in great good cheer, |
40 | And told his tale, as you shall hereafter hear. |