This monk bigan upon this wyf to stare, |
125 | And seyde, "Allas, my nece, God forbede |
| That ye, for any sorwe or any drede, |
| Fordo youreself; but telleth me youre grief. |
| Paraventure I may, in youre meschief, |
| Conseille or helpe; and therfore telleth me |
130 | Al youre anoy, for it shal been secree. |
| For on my porthors I make an ooth |
| That nevere in my lyf, for lief ne looth, |
| Ne shal I of no conseil yow biwreye." |
This monk began, then, at the wife to stare, |
125 | And said: "Alas, my niece, may God forbid |
| That you, for any care or fear morbid, |
| Destroy yourself! But tell me of your grief; |
| Perhaps I may, whatever the mischief, |
| Counsel or help, and therefore do tell me |
130 | All the annoyance, for 'twill secret be; |
| For on my breviary I make oath |
| That never in my life, though lief or loath, |
| Shall I your secret whisper or betray." |