Middle-english Glossary |
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abegge verb pay for (it)
abid, abyd, abyde verb, prsnt. remain, await, wait; abood verb, pst. awaited, remained
abideth, abydeth verb awaits
abidyng verb awaiting
able adj. suitable
abluciouns noun cleansings
abood noun delay
above adj. superior
abregge verb abridge, shorten
accidie noun sloth, laziness
accord, acord noun agreement
achatours noun buyers
acorded verb agreed
adoun prep. below
adrad adj. afraid
afered, aferd adj. afraid
affiance noun trust
affraye verb, prsnt frighten
affrayed verb, pst. frightened, afraid
after-mete prep. the time after diner
agast verb, pst. prtcpl. frightened
agaste verb, pst. sg. frightened
agu noun acute fever
aiel noun grandfather
aketoun noun wadded jacket worn under the chain-mail coat
al conj. although
alauntz noun wolfhounds
al bifore adv. first, before everyone else, heading the procession
alday adv. daily
alderbest best of all
alderfirst first of all, to begin with
alderlevest most beloved
aldermost most of all
aleyes noun garden paths
algate, algates adv. always, all the same
alkamystre noun alchemist
Alkaron noun the Koran
alle and some one and all, everyone
allegge verb adduce, cite
allye noun kinsman
allyen verb ally oneself, marry
almesdede noun almsgiving
almesse noun charity
al speke he although he may speak
alyght verb arrived
als cleere adv. as clearly
amalgamyng noun blending, amalgamation
amende verb improve, correct, remedy
amended verb, pst. prtcpl. improved, corrected
amblere noun pacing horse
amonesteth verb, prsnt. sg. admonishes
Amor vincit omnia (Latin) Love conquers all
angwissous adj. anxious
anlaas noun broad two-edged dagger
annueleer noun chantry priest, a priest who sings anniversary masses for the dead
anon, anoon adv. straightway, at once, immediately
anoy noun trouble
antiphoner noun anthem-book, book of antiphonal hymns
apayed verb, pst. pleased
ape noun 1. fool, dupe; 2. monkey
apertenen verb befit
aperteneth verb, prsnt. sg. befits
apiked verb adorned, trimmed
appalled adj. pale-looking, faded
apposed verb questioned
appreved verb approved, proven, tested
approwours noun agents
apeyren verb injure, damage, insult
areste verb stop, restrain
a-rewe adv. in succession
argumentz noun logical reasoning
aright adv. certainly
armee noun military expedition
armure noun armour, protective covering
array noun 1. equipment; 2. dress, clothes
arrayed verb, pst. prtcpl. prepared, adorned
arreest noun restaint, seizure
artelries noun artillery, shooting equipment, cannons and catapults
arwe noun, sg. arrow
arwes noun, pl. arrows
aslaked calmed
asonder adv. apart
ass noun ass, donkey
assaut noun assault
assay noun 1. trial; 2. test
assaye verb, prsnt. sg. test
assayed verb, pst. sg tested
assege noun siege
asseged verb besieged
assent noun consent, will, opinion
assente verb, prsnt. consent, agree
assented verb, pst. consented, agreed
assise noun the court of assizes
assoille verb absolve
assoillyng noun absolution
assured adj. confident; verb entrusted
astert verb escaped
asterte, asterted verb escaped
astoned verb amazed, astonished, surprised
astored verb provided
aswowne adv. in a swoon, aswooned
atemprely, attemprely adv. moderately
at erst prep. for the first time
atones adv. 1. at once, immediately; 2. at one time, at the same time
attamed verb, pst. begun
attempree adj. moderate
atthamaunt, adamant noun adamant, a very hard kind of stone
atwo adv. in two
atwynne adv. apart
auctorite, auctoritee noun 1. written authority, an authoritative statement or passage; 2. legal power or authority
aungel noun angel
aungellyk adj. angel-like
auter noun altar
avalen verb take off
avarice noun greed
avaunce verb prosper
avauntyng verbal noun boasting
avayle verb help, benefit
Ave Marie (Latin) Hail Mary (first words of a Latin prayer)
avision noun dream, vision
avoutrye, avowtrie, avowtrye noun adultery
avowtier noun adulterer
avow noun vow, solemn pledge
avys noun 1. discussion; 2. opinion