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"Sire Clerk of Oxenford," oure Hooste sayde, | |
"Ye ryde as coy and stille as dooth a mayde, | |
Were newe spoused, sittynge at the bord. | |
This day ne herde I of youre tonge a word. | |
5 | I trowe ye studie about som sophyme; |
But Salomon seith, `every thyng hath tyme.' | |
For Goddes sake, as beth of bettre cheere; | |
It is no tyme for to studien heere, | |
Telle us som myrie tale, by youre fey! | |
10 | For what man that is entred in a pley, |
He nedes moot unto the pley assente; | |
But precheth nat as freres doon in Lente, | |
To make us for oure olde synnes wepe, | |
Ne that thy tale make us nat to slepe. | |
15 | Telle us som murie thyng of aventures; |
Youre termes, youre colours, and youre figures, | |
Keepe hem in stoor, til so be that ye endite | |
Heigh style, as whan that men to kynges write. | |
Speketh so pleyn at this tyme, we yow preye, | |
20 | That we may understonde what ye seye." |
This worthy clerk benignely answerde, | |
"Hooste," quod he, "I am under youre yerde. | |
Ye han of us as now the governance; | |
And therfore wol I do yow obeisance | |
25 | As fer as resoun axeth, hardily. |
I wol yow telle a tale, which that I | |
Lerned at Padwe of a worthy clerk, | |
As preved by his wordes and his werk. | |
He is now deed, and nayled in his cheste; | |
30 | I prey to God so yeve his soule reste. |
Fraunceys Petrark, the lauriat poete, | |
Highte this clerk, whos rethorike sweete | |
Enlumyned al Ytaille of poetrie, | |
As Lynyan dide of philosophie, | |
35 | Or lawe, or oother art particuler. |
But deeth, that wol nat suffre us dwellen heer | |
But as it were a twynklyng of an eye, | |
Hem bothe hath slayn, and alle shul we dye. | |
But forth to tellen of this worthy man, | |
40 | That taughte me this tale as I bigan, |
I seye, that first with heigh stile he enditeth | |
Er he the body of his tale writeth, | |
A prohemye in the which discryveth he | |
Pemond, and of Saluces the contree, | |
45 | And speketh of Apennyn, the hilles hye, |
That been the boundes of Westlumbardye; | |
And of Mount Vesulus in special, | |
Where as the Poo out of a welle smal | |
Taketh his firste spryngyng and his sours, | |
50 | That estward ay encresseth in his cours |
To Emele-ward, to Ferrare, and Venyse; | |
The which a long thyng were to devyse. | |
And trewely, as to my juggement, | |
Me thynketh it a thyng impertinent, | |
55 | Save that he wole conveyen his mateere; |
But this his tale, which that ye may heere." |
Next: The Clerk's Tale, First Part (ll. 57-196) | ![]() © Librarius All rights reserved. |