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Arryved been this Cristen folk to londe, | |
In Surrye, with a greet solempne route, | |
And hastifliche this Sowdan sente his sonde | |
First to his mooder and all the regne aboute, | |
390 | And seyde his wyf was comen, oute of doute, |
And preyde hir for to ryde agayn the queene, | |
The honour of his regne to susteene. |
Greet was the prees, and riche was th'array | |
Of Surryens and Romayns met yfeere; | |
395 | The mooder of the Sowdan, riche and gay, |
Receyveth hir with also glad a cheere | |
As any mooder myghte hir doghter deere, | |
And to the nexte citee ther bisyde | |
A softe pass solempnely they ryde. |
400 | Noght trowe I the triumphe of Julius, |
Of which that Lucan maketh swich a boost, | |
Was roialler, ne moore curius | |
Than was th'assemblee of this blisful hoost. | |
But this scorpioun, this wikked goost, | |
405 | The Sowdanesse, for all hir falterynge |
Caste under this ful mortally to stynge. |
The Sowdan comth hymself soone after this | |
So roially, that wonder is to telle, | |
And welcometh hir with alle joye and blis, | |
410 | And thus in murthe and joye I lete hem dwelle- |
The fruyt of this matiere is that I telle.- | |
Whan tyme cam, men thoughte it for the beste, | |
The revel stynte, and men goon to hir reste. |
The tyme cam, this olde Sowdanesse | |
415 | Ordeyned hath this feeste of which I tolde, |
And to the feeste Cristen folk hem dresse | |
In general, ye, bothe yonge and olde. | |
Heere may men feeste and roialtee biholde, | |
And deyntees mo than I kan yow devyse; | |
420 | But al to deere they boghte it er they ryse! |
O sodeyn wo, that evere art successour | |
To worldly blisse, spreynd with bitternesse! | |
The ende of the joye of oure worldly labour! | |
Wo occupieth the fyn of oure gladnesse! | |
425 | Herke this conseil for thy sikernesse, |
Upon thy galde day have in thy minde | |
The unwar wo or harm that comth bihynde. |
For shortly for to tellen at o word, | |
The Sowdan and the Cristen everichone | |
430 | Been al tohewe and stiked at the bord, |
But it were oonly dame Custance allone. | |
This olde Sowdanesse, cursed krone, | |
Hath with hir freendes doon this cursed dede, | |
For she hirself wolde all the contree lede. |
435 | Ne was ther Surryen noon, that was converted, |
That of the conseil of the Sowdan woot, | |
That he nas al tohewe er he asterted. | |
And Custance han they take anon foot-hoot | |
And in a ship all steerelees, God woot, | |
440 | They han hir set, and biddeth hir lerne saille |
Out of Surrye agaynward to Ytaille. |
A certein tresor that she thider ladde, | |
And, sooth to seyn, vitaille greet plentee | |
They han hir yeven, and clothes eek she hadde, | |
445 | And forth she sailleth in the salte see. |
O my Custance, ful of benignytee, | |
O Emperoures yonge doghter deere, | |
He that is lord of Fortune be thy steere! |
She blesseth hir, and with ful pitous voys | |
450 | Unto the croys of Crist thus seyde she, |
"O cleere, o welful auter, hooly croys, | |
Reed of the lambes blood, ful of pitee, | |
That wesshe the world fro the olde iniquitee, | |
Me fro the feend and fro his clawes kepe, | |
455 | That day that I shal drenchen in the depe. |
Victorious tree, proteccioun of trewe, | |
That oonly worthy were for to bere | |
The Kyng of Hevene with his woundes newe, | |
The white lamb that hurt was with the spere, | |
460 | Flemere of feendes out of hym and here |
On which thy lymes feithfully extenden, | |
Me keep, and yif me myght my lyf tamenden." |
Yeres and dayes fleteth this creature | |
Thurghout the See of Grece unto the Strayte | |
465 | Of Marrok, as it was hir aventure. |
On many a sory meel now may she bayte; | |
After hir deeth ful often may she wayte, | |
Er that the wilde wawes wol hire dryve | |
Unto the place ther she shal arryve. |
470 | Men myghten asken why she was nat slayn? |
Eek at the feeste who myghte hir body save? | |
And I answere to that demande agayn, | |
Who saved Danyel in the horrible cave, | |
Ther every wight save he, maister and knave, | |
475 | Was with the leoun frete, er he asterte? |
No wight but God, that he bar in his herte. |
God liste to shewe his wonderful myracle | |
In hir, for we sholde seen his myghty werkis. | |
Crist, which that is to every harm triacle, | |
480 | By certeine meenes ofte, as knowen clerkis, |
Dooth thyng for certein ende, that ful derk is | |
To mannes wit, that for oure ignorance | |
Ne konne noght knowe his prudent purveiance. |
Now, sith she was nat at the feeste yslawe, | |
485 | Who kepte hir fro the drenchyng in the see? |
Who kepte Jonas in the fisshes mawe | |
Til he was spouted up at Nynyvee? | |
Wel may men knowe it was no wight but he | |
That kepte peple Ebrayk from hir drenchynge, | |
490 | With drye feet thurghout the see passynge. |
Who bad the foure spirites of tempest, | |
That power han t'anoyen lond and see, | |
"Bothe north and south, and also west and est, | |
Anoyeth neither see, ne land, ne tree?" | |
495 | Soothly, the comandour of that was he, |
That fro the tempest ay this womman kepte, | |
As wel eek when she wook as whan she slepte. |
Where myghte this womman mete and drynke have? | |
Thre yeer and moore how lasteth hir vitaille? | |
500 | Who fedde the Egypcien Marie in the cave, |
Or in desert? No wight but Crist, sanz faille. | |
Fyve thousand folk it was as greet mervaille | |
With loves fyve and fisshes two to feede; | |
God sente his foyson at hir grete neede. |
505 | She dryveth forth into oure occian |
Thurghout oure wilde see, til atte laste | |
Under an hoold that nempnen I ne kan, | |
Fer in Northhumberlond, the wawe hir caste, | |
And in the sond hir ship stiked so faste | |
510 | That thennes wolde it noght of al a tyde, |
The wyl of Crist was that she sholde abyde. |
The constable of the castel doun is fare | |
To seen his wrak, and al the ship he soghte, | |
And foond this wery womman ful of care, | |
515 | He foond also the tresor that she broghte, |
In hir langage mercy she bisoghte, | |
The lyf out of hire body for to twynne, | |
Hir to delivere of wo that she was inne. |
A maner Latyn corrupt was hir speche, | |
520 | But algates therby was she understonde. |
The constable, whan hym lyst no lenger seche, | |
This woful womman broghte he to the londe. | |
She kneleth doun and thanketh Goddes sonde; | |
But what she was, she wolde no man seye, | |
525 | For foul ne fair, thogh that she sholde deye. |
She seyde, she was so mazed in the see | |
That she forgat hir mynde, by hir trouthe. | |
The constable hath of hir so greet pitee, | |
And eke his wyf, that they wepen for routhe. | |
530 | She was so diligent, withouten slouthe |
To serve and plesen everich in that place, | |
That alle hir loven that looken on hir face. |
This constable and dame Hermengyld his wyf | |
Were payens, and that contree everywhere; | |
535 | But Hermengyld loved hir right as hir lyf, |
And Custance hath so longe sojourned there | |
In orisons, with many a bitter teere, | |
Til Jesu hath converted thurgh his grace | |
Dame Hermengyld, constablesse of that place. |
540 | In al that lond no Cristen dorste route, |
Alle Cristen folk been fled fro that contree | |
Thurgh payens that conquereden al aboute | |
The plages of the North by land and see. | |
To Walys fledde the Cristyanytee | |
545 | Of olde Britons, dwellynge in this ile; |
Ther was hir refut for the meene-while. |
But yet nere cristene Britons so exiled | |
That ther nere somme that in hir privetee | |
Honoured Crist, and hethen folk bigiled, | |
550 | And ny the castel swiche ther dwelten three; |
That oon of hem was blynd, and myghte nat see, | |
But it were with thilke eyen of his mynde, | |
With whiche men seen, after that they ben blynde. |
Bright was the sonne as in that someres day, | |
555 | For which the constable and his wyf also |
And Custance han ytake the righte way | |
Toward the see, a furlong wey or two, | |
To pleyen, and to romen, to and fro, | |
And in hir walk this blynde man they mette, | |
560 | Croked and oold, with eyen faste yshette. |
"In name of Crist," cride this olde Britoun, | |
"Dame Hermengyld, yif me my sighte agayn." | |
This lady weex affrayed of the soun, | |
Lest that hir housbonde, shortly for to sayn, | |
565 | Wolde hir for Jesu Cristes love han slayn, |
Til Custance made hir boold, and bad hir wirche | |
The wyl of Crist, as doghter of his chirche. |
The constable weex abasshed of that sight, | |
And seyde, "What amounteth all this fare!" | |
570 | Custance answerde, "Sire, it is Cristes myght, |
That helpeth folk out of the feendes snare." | |
And so ferforth she gan oure lay declare, | |
That she the constable, er that it were eve | |
Converteth, and on Crist maketh hym bileve. |
575 | This constable was no-thyng lord of this place |
Of which I speke, ther he Custance fond; | |
But kepte it strongly many wyntres space | |
Under Alla, kyng of al Northhumbrelond, | |
That was ful wys and worthy of his hond | |
580 | Agayn the Scottes, as men may wel heere;- |
But turne I wole agayn to my mateere. |
Sathan, that ever us waiteth to bigile, | |
Saugh of Custance al hir perfeccioun | |
And caste anon how he myghte quite hir while; | |
585 | And made a yong knyght, that dwelte in that toun, |
Love hir so hoote of foul affeccioun | |
That verraily hym thoughte he sholde spille, | |
But he of hir myghte ones have his wille. |
He woweth hir, but it availleth noght, | |
590 | She wolde do no synne, by no were; |
And for despit he compassed in his thoght | |
To maken hir on shameful deeth to deye. | |
He wayteth whan the constable was aweye | |
And pryvely upon a nyght he crepte | |
595 | In Hermengyldes chambre whil she slepte. |
Wery, for-waked in hir orisouns, | |
Slepeth Custance, and Hermengyld also. | |
This knyght, thurgh Sathanas temptaciouns, | |
All softely is to the bed ygo, | |
600 | And kitte the throte of Hermengyld atwo, |
And leyde the blody knyf by dame Custance, | |
And wente his wey, ther God yeve hym meschance! |
Soone after cometh this constable hoom agayn, | |
And eek Alla, that kyng was of that lond, | |
605 | And saugh his wyf despitously yslayn, |
For which ful ofte he weep and wroong his hond, | |
And in the bed the blody knyf he fond | |
By Dame Custance; allas, what myghte she seye? | |
For verray wo hir wit was al aweye! |
610 | To kyng Alla was toold al this meschance, |
And eek the tyme, and where, and in what wise | |
That in a ship was founden dame Custance, | |
As heer-biforn that ye han herd devyse. | |
The kynges herte of pitee gan agryse, | |
615 | Whan he saugh so benigne a creature |
Falle in disese and in mysaventure. |
For as the lomb toward his deeth is broght, | |
So stant this innocent bifore the kyng. | |
This false knyght, that hath this tresoun wroght, | |
620 | Berth hir on hond that she hath doon thys thyng, |
But nathelees, ther was greet moornyng | |
Among the peple, and seyn, they kan nat gesse | |
That she had doon so greet a wikkednesse; |
For they han seyn hir evere so vertuous, | |
625 | And lovyng Hermengyld right as hir lyf: |
Of this baar witnesse everich in that hous | |
Save he that Hermengyld slow with his knyf. | |
This gentil kyng hath caught a greet motyf | |
Of this witnesse, and thoghte he wolde enquere | |
630 | Depper in this, a trouthe for to lere. |
Allas, Custance, thou hast no champioun! | |
Ne fighte kanstow noght, so weylaway! | |
But he, that starf for our redempcioun, | |
And boond Sathan-and yet lith ther he lay- | |
635 | So be thy stronge champion this day! |
For but if Crist open myracle kithe, | |
Withouten gilt thou shalt be slayn as swithe. |
She sette hir doun on knees, and thus she sayde, | |
"Immortal God, that savedest Susanne | |
640 | Fro false blame, and thou, merciful Mayde, |
Marie I meene, doghter to Seynte Anne, | |
Bifore whos child angeles synge Osanne, | |
If I be giltlees of this felonye, | |
My socour be, for ellis shal I dye." |
645 | Have ye nat seyn som tyme a pale face |
Among a prees, of hym that hath be lad | |
Toward his deeth, wher as hym gat no grace, | |
And swich a colour in his face hath had, | |
Men myghte knowe his face, that was bistad, | |
650 | Amonges alle the faces in that route? |
So stant Custance, and looketh hir aboute. |
O queenes, lyvynge in prosperitee, | |
Duchesses, and ladyes everichone, | |
Haveth som routhe on hir adversitee; | |
655 | An Emperoures doghter stant allone, |
She hath no wight to whom to make hir mone. | |
O blood roial, that stondest in this drede, | |
Fer been thy freendes at thy grete nede! |
This Alla kyng hath swich compassioun, | |
660 | As gentil herte is fulfild of pitee, |
That from hise eyen ran the water doun. | |
"Now hastily do fecche a book," quod he, | |
"And if this knyght wol sweren how that she | |
This womman slow, yet wol we us avyse, | |
665 | Whom that we wole, that shal been oure justise." |
A Britoun book, written with Evaungiles, | |
Was fet, and on this book he swoor anoon | |
She gilty was, and in the meene-whiles | |
An hand hym smoot upon the nekke-boon, | |
670 | That doun he fil atones, as a stoon; |
And bothe hise eyen broste out of his face, | |
In sighte of every body in that place. |
A voys was herd in general audience, | |
And seyde, "Thou hast desclaundred, giltelees | |
675 | The doghter of hooly chirche in heigh presence, |
Thus hastou doon, and yet holde I my pees." | |
Of this mervaille agast was al the prees, | |
As mazed folk they stoden everichone | |
For drede of wreche, save Custance allone. |
680 | Greet was the drede and eek the repentance |
Of hem that hadden wronge suspecioun | |
Upon this sely innocent, Custance; | |
And for this miracle, in conclusioun, | |
And by Custances mediacioun, | |
685 | The kyng, and many another in that place, |
Converted was, thanked be Cristes grace. |
This false knyght was slayn for his untrouthe, | |
By juggement of Alla hastifly- | |
And yet Custance hadde of his deeth greet routhe- | |
690 | And after this Jesus, of His mercy, |
Made Alla wedden ful solempnely | |
This hooly mayden, that is so bright and sheene, | |
And thus hath Crist ymaad Custance a queene. |
But who was woful, if I shal nat lye, | |
695 | Of this weddyng but Donegild, and namo, |
The kynges mooder, ful of tirannye? | |
Hir thoughte hir cursed herte brast atwo, | |
She wolde noght hir sone had do so, | |
Hir thoughte a despit, that he sholde take | |
700 | So strange a creature unto his make. |
Me list nat of the chaf nor of the stree | |
Maken so long a tale, as of the corn; | |
What sholde I tellen of the roialtee | |
At mariages, or which cours goth biforn, | |
705 | Who bloweth in the trumpe, or in an horn? |
The fruyt of every tale is for to seye; | |
They ete, and drynke, and daunce, and synge, and pleye. |
They goon to bedde, as it was skile and right, | |
For thogh that wyves be ful hooly thynges, | |
710 | They moste take in pacience at nyght |
Swiche manere necessaries as been plesynges | |
To folk that han ywedded hem with rynges, | |
And leye a lite hir hoolynesse aside | |
As for the tyme, it may no bet bitide. |
715 | On hire he gat a knave childe anon, |
And to a bisshop and his constable eke | |
He took his wyf to kepe, whan he is gon | |
To Scotlond-ward, his foomen for to seke. | |
Now faire Custance, that is so humble and meke, | |
720 | So longe is goon with childe, til that stille |
She halt hire chambre, abidyng Cristes wille. |
The tyme is come; a knave child she beer, | |
Mauricius at the fontstoon they hym calle. | |
This constable dooth forth come a messageer, | |
725 | And wroot unto his kyng, that cleped was Alle, |
How that this blisful tidyng is bifalle, | |
And othere tidynges spedeful for to seye; | |
He taketh the lettre, and forth he gooth his weye. |
This messager, to doon his avantage, | |
730 | Unto the kynges mooder rideth swithe, |
And salueth hir ful faire in his langage, | |
"Madame," quod he, "ye may be glad and blithe, | |
And thanketh God an hundred thousand sithe. | |
My lady queene hath child, withouten doute, | |
735 | To joye and blisse to al this regne aboute. |
Lo, heere the lettres seled of this thyng, | |
That I moot bere with al the haste I may. | |
If ye wol aught unto youre sone, the kyng, | |
I am youre servant both nyght and day." | |
740 | Donegild answerde, "as now at this tyme, nay, |
But heere al nyght I wol thou take thy reste, | |
Tomorwe wol I seye thee what me leste." |
This messager drank sadly ale and wyn, | |
And stolen wer hise lettres pryvely | |
745 | Out of his box, whil he sleep as a swyn; |
And countrefeted was ful subtilly | |
Another lettre wroght ful synfully, | |
Unto the kyng direct of this mateere | |
Fro his constable, as ye shal after heere. |
750 | The lettre spak, the queene delivered was |
Of so horrible a feendly creature | |
That in the castel noon so hardy was | |
That any while dorste ther endure; | |
The mooder was an elf, by aventure, | |
755 | Ycomen by charmes or by sorcerie, |
And every wight hateth hir compaignye. |
Wo was this kyng whan he this lettre had sayn, | |
But to no wight he tolde his sorwes soore, | |
But of his owene hand he wroot agayn: | |
760 | "Welcome the sonde of Crist for everemoore |
To me, that am now lerned in his loore! | |
Lord, welcome be thy lust and thy plesaunce, | |
My lust I putte al in thyn ordinaunce. |
Kepeth this child, al be it foul or feire, | |
765 | And eek my wyf, unto myn hoom-comynge; |
Crist, whan hym list, may sende me an heir | |
Moore agreable than this to my likynge." | |
This lettre he seleth, pryvely wepynge, | |
Which to the messager was take soone | |
770 | And forth he gooth, ther is namoore to doone. |
O messager, fulfild of dronkenesse, | |
Strong is thy breeth, thy lymes faltren ay, | |
And thou biwreyest alle secreenesse. | |
Thy mynde is lorn, thou janglest as a jay, | |
775 | Thy face is turned in a newe array; |
Ther dronkenesse regneth in any route, | |
Ther is no conseil hyd, withouten doute. |
O Donegild, I ne have noon Englissh digne | |
Unto thy malice and thy tirannye; | |
780 | And therfore to the feend I thee resigne, |
Lat hym enditen of thy traitorie! | |
Fy, mannysh, fy? - O nay, by God, I lye - | |
Fy, feendlych spirit! for I dar wel telle, | |
Thogh thou heere walke, thy spirit is in helle. |
785 | This messager comth fro the kyng agayn, |
And at the kynges moodres court he lighte | |
And she was of this messager ful fayn, | |
And plesed hym in al that ever she myghte. | |
He drank, and wel his girdel underpighte. | |
790 | He slepeth, and he fnorteth in his gyse |
Al nyght until the sonne gan aryse. |
Eft were hise lettres stolen everychon | |
And countrefeted lettres in this wyse, | |
"The king comandeth his constable anon | |
795 | Up peyne of hangyng and on heigh juyse |
That he ne sholde suffren in no wyse | |
Custance inwith his reawme for t'abyde, | |
Thre dayes and o quarter of a tyde. |
But in the same ship as he hir fond, | |
800 | Hire, and hir yonge sone, and al hir geere, |
He sholde putte, and croude hir fro the lond, | |
And chargen hir she never eft coome theere." | |
O my Custance, wel may thy goost have fere, | |
And slepynge in thy dreem been in penance, | |
805 | Whan Donegild cast al this ordinance. |
This messager, on morwe whan he wook, | |
Unto the Castel halt the nexte way, | |
And to the constable he the lettre took. | |
And whan that he this pitous lettre say, | |
810 | Ful ofte he seyde, "Allas and weylaway!" |
"Lord Crist," quod he, "how may this world endure, | |
So ful of synne is many a creature? |
O myghty God, if that it be thy wille, | |
Sith thou art rightful juge, how may it be | |
815 | That thou wolt suffren innocentz to spille, |
And wikked folk regnen in prosperitee? | |
O goode Custance, allas, so wo is me, | |
That I moot be thy tormentour, or deye | |
On shames deeth! Ther is noon oother weye!" |
820 | Wepen bothe yonge and olde in al that place, |
Whan that the kyng this cursed lettre sente, | |
And Custance, with a deedly pale face, | |
The ferthe day toward the ship she wente; | |
But nathelees she taketh in good entente | |
825 | The wyl of Crist, and knelynge on the stronde, |
She seyde, "Lord, ay welcome be thy sonde! |
He that me kepte fro the false blame, | |
While I was on the lond amonges yow, | |
He kan me kepe from harm and eek fro shame | |
830 | In salte see, al thogh I se noght how. |
As strong as evere he was, he is yet now; | |
In hym triste I, and in his mooder deere, | |
That is to me my seyl and eek my steere." |
Hir litel child lay wepyng in hir arm, | |
835 | And knelynge, pitously to hym she seyde, |
"Pees, litel sone, I wol do thee noon harm." | |
With that hir coverchief on hir heed she breyde, | |
And over hise litel eyen she it leyde, | |
And in hir arm she lulleth it ful faste, | |
840 | And into hevene hir eyen up she caste. |
"Mooder," quod she, "and mayde bright, Marie, | |
Sooth is that thurgh wommanes eggement | |
Mankynde was lorn and damned ay to dye, | |
For which thy child was on a croys yrent; | |
845 | Thy blisful eyen sawe al his torment; |
Thanne is ther no comparison bitwene | |
Thy wo, and any wo man may sustene. |
Thow sawe thy child yslayn bifore thyne eyen, | |
And yet now lyveth my litel child, parfay. | |
850 | Now, lady bright, to whom alle woful cryen, |
Thow glorie of wommanhede, thow faire may, | |
Thow haven of refut, brighte sterre of day, | |
Rewe on my child, that of thy gentillesse | |
Ruest on every reweful in distresse. |
855 | O litel child, allas, what is thy gilt, |
That nevere wroghtest synne as yet, pardee! | |
Why wil thyn harde fader han thee spilt? | |
O mercy, deere Constable," quod she, | |
"As lat my litel child dwelle heer with thee; | |
860 | And if thou darst nat saven hym for blame, |
Yet kys hym ones in his fadres name." |
Therwith she looketh bakward to the londe, | |
And seyde, "Farwel, housbonde routheless!" | |
And up she rist, and walketh doun the stronde, | |
865 | Toward the ship. - hir folweth al the prees - |
And evere she preyeth hir child to holde his pees, | |
And taketh hir leve, and with an hooly entente | |
She blisseth hir, and into ship she wente. |
Vitailled was the ship, it is no drede, | |
870 | Habundantly for hir ful longe space; |
And othere necessaries that sholde nede | |
She hadde ynogh, heried be Goddes grace; | |
For wynd and weder almyghty God purchace, | |
And brynge hir hoom, I kan no bettre seye! | |
875 | But in the see she dryveth forth hir weye. |
Explicit secunda pars (Here ends the second part)
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