Ther was, as telleth Titus Livius, |
| A knyght that called was Virginius, |
| Fulfild of honour and of worthynesse, |
| And strong of freendes, and of greet richesse. |
5 | This knyght a doghter hadde by his wyf, |
| No children hadde he mo in al his lyf. |
| Fair was this mayde in excellent beautee |
| Aboven every wight that man may see. |
| For Nature hath with sovereyn diligence |
10 | Yformed hir in so greet excellence, |
| As though she wolde seyn, "Lo, I, Nature, |
| Thus kan I forme and peynte a creature |
| Whan that me list; who kan me countrefete? |
| Pigmalion noght, though he ay forge and bete, |
15 | Or grave, or peynte, for I dar wel seyn |
| Apelles, Zanzis sholde werche in veyn |
| Outher to grave or peynte, or forge, or bete, |
| If they presumed me to countrefete. |
| For He that is the former principal |
20 | Hath maked me his vicaire general |
| To forme and peynten erthely creaturis |
| Right as me list, and ech thyng in my cure is |
| Under the moone, that may wane and waxe, |
| And for my werk right nothyng wol I axe. |
25 | My lord and I been ful of oon accord; |
| I made hire to the worship of my lord, |
| So do I alle myne othere creatures, |
| What colour that they han, or what figures." |
| Thus semeth me that Nature wolde seye. |
30 |
This mayde of age twelf yeer was and tweye, |
| In which that Nature hadde swich delit. |
| For right as she kan peynte a lilie whit, |
| And reed a rose, right with swich peynture |
| She peynted hath this noble creature, |
35 | Er she were born, upon hir lymes fre, |
| Where as by right swiche colours sholde be. |
| And Phebus dyed hath hir tresses grete, |
| Lyk to the stremes of his burned heete; |
| And if that excellent was hir beautee, |
40 | A thousand foold moore vertuous was she. |
| In hire ne lakked no condicioun |
| That is to preyse, as by discrecioun; |
| As wel in goost as body chast was she, |
| For which she floured in virginitee |
45 | With alle humylitee and abstinence, |
| With alle attemperaunce and pacience, |
| With mesure eek of beryng and array. |
| Discreet she was in answeryng alway, |
| Though she were wise Pallas, dar I seyn, |
50 | Hir facound eek ful wommanly and pleyn, |
| No countrefeted termes hadde she |
| To seme wys, but after hir degree |
| She spak, and alle hir wordes, moore and lesse, |
| Sownynge in vertu and in gentillesse. |
55 | Shamefast she was in maydens shamefastnesse, |
| Constant in herte, and evere in bisynesse |
| To dryve hir out of ydel slogardye. |
| Bacus hadde of hire mouth right no maistrie; |
| For wyn and youthe dooth Venus encresse, |
60 | As man in fyr wol casten oille or greesse. |
| And of hir owene vertu unconstreyned, |
| She hath ful ofte tyme syk hir feyned, |
| For that she wolde fleen the compaignye |
| Where likly was to treten of folye, |
65 | As is at feestes, revels, and at daunces |
| That been occasions of daliaunces. |
| Swich thynges maken children for to be |
| To soone rype and boold, as men may se, |
| Which is ful perilous, and hath been yoore; |
70 | For al to soone may they lerne loore |
| Of booldnesse, whan she woxen is a wyf. |
And ye maistresses, in youre olde lyf, |
| That lordes doghtres han in governaunce, |
| Ne taketh of my wordes no displesaunce; |
75 | Thenketh that ye been set in governynges |
| Of lordes doghtres, oonly for two thynges; |
| Outher for ye han kept youre honestee, |
| Or elles ye han falle in freletee, |
| And knowen wel ynough the olde daunce, |
80 | And han forsaken fully swich meschaunce |
| For everemo; therfore for Cristes sake, |
| To teche hem vertu looke that ye ne slake. |
| A theef of venysoun, that hath forlaft |
| His likerousnesse, and al his olde craft, |
85 | Kan kepe a forest best of any man. |
| Now kepeth wel, for if ye wole, ye kan. |
| Looke wel that ye unto no vice assente, |
| Lest ye be dampned for your wikke entente. |
| For whoso dooth, a traitour is, certeyn; |
90 | And taketh kepe of that that I shal seyn, |
| Of alle tresons, sovereyn pestilence |
| Is whan a wight bitrayseth innocence. |
Ye fadres and ye moodres, eek also, |
| Though ye han children, be it oon or two, |
95 | Youre is the charge of al hir surveiaunce |
| Whil that they been under youre governaunce. |
| Beth war, if by ensample of youre lyvynge, |
| Or by youre necligence in chastisynge, |
| That they ne perisse; for I dar wel seye, |
100 | If that they doon ye shul it deere abeye; |
| Under a shepherde softe and necligent |
| The wolf hath many a sheep and lamb torent. |
| Suffiseth oon ensample now as here, |
| For I moot turne agayn to my mateere. |
105 |
This mayde, of which I wol this tale expresse, |
| So kepte hirself, hir neded no maistresse. |
| For in hir lyvyng maydens myghten rede, |
| As in a book, every good word or dede |
| That longeth to a mayden vertuous, |
110 | She was so prudent and so bountevous. |
| For which the fame out-sprong on every syde |
| Bothe of hir beautee and hir bountee wyde, |
| That thurgh that land they preised hire echone |
| That loved vertu; save encye allone, |
115 | That sory is of oother mennes wele, |
| And glad is of his sorwe and his unheele. |
| (The doctour maketh this descripcioun.) |
This mayde upon a day wente in the toun |
| Toward a temple, with hir mooder deere, |
120 | As is of yonge maydens the manere. |
| Now was ther thanne a justice in that toun, |
| That governour was of that regioun, |
| And so bifel this juge hise eyen caste |
| Upon this mayde, avysynge hym ful faste |
125 | As she cam forby, ther as this juge stood. |
| Anon his herte chaunged and his mood, |
| So was he caught with beautee of this mayde, |
| And to hymself ful pryvely he sayde, |
| "This mayde shal be myn, for any man." |
130 |
Anon the feend into his herte ran, |
| And taughte hym sodeynly, that he by slyghte |
| The mayden to his purpos wynne myghte. |
| For certes, by no force, ne by no meede, |
| Hym thoughte he was nat able for to speede; |
135 | For she was strong of freends, and eek she |
| Confermed was in swich soverayn bountee, |
| That wel he wiste he myghte hir nevere wynne, |
| As for to maken hir with hir body synne. |
| For which, by greet deliberacioun, |
140 | He sente after a cherl, was in the toun, |
| Which that he knew for subtil and for boold. |
| This juge unto this cherl his tale hath toold |
| In secree wise, and made hym to ensure |
| He sholde telle it to no creature, |
145 | And if he dide, he sholde lese his heed. |
| Whan that assented was this cursed reed, |
| Glad was this juge, and maked him greet cheere, |
| And yaf hym yiftes preciouse and deere. |
Whan shapen was al hir conspiracie |
150 | Fro point to point, how that his lecherie |
| Parfourned sholde been ful subtilly, |
| As ye shul heere it after openly, |
| Hoom gooth the cherl, that highte Claudius. |
| This false juge, that highte Apius, |
155 | (So was his name, for this is no fable, |
| But knowen for historial thyng notable; |
| The sentence of it sooth is out of doute), |
| This false juge gooth now faste aboute |
| To hasten his delit al that he may. |
160 | And so bifel soone after on a day, |
| This false juge, as telleth us the storie, |
| As he was wont, sat in his consistorie, |
| And yaf his doomes upon sondry cas. |
| This false cherl cam forth a ful greet pas |
165 | And seyde, "Lord, if that it be youre wille, |
| As dooth me right upon this pitous bille |
| In which I pleyne upon Virginius; |
| And if that he wol seyn it is nat thus, |
| I wol it preeve, and fynde good witnesse, |
170 | That sooth is, that my bille wol expresse." |
"To yow, my lord, Sire Apius so deere, |
| Sheweth youre povre servant Claudius, |
180 | How that a knyght called Virginius |
| Agayns the lawe, agayn al equitee, |
| Holdeth expres agayn the wyl of me |
| My servant, which that is my thral by right, |
| Which fro myn hous was stole upon a nyght, |
185 | Whil that she was ful yong; this wol I preeve |
| By witnesse, lord, so that it nat yow greeve. |
| She nys his doghter, nat what so he seye. |
| Wherfore to yow, my lord the Juge, I preye |
| Yeld me my thral, if that it be youre wille." |
190 | Lo, this was al the sentence of his bille. |
Virginius gan upon the cherl biholde, |
| But hastily, er he his tale tolde, |
| And wolde have preeved it as sholde a knyght, |
| And eek by witnessyng of many a wight, |
195 | That it was fals, that seyde his adversarie, |
| This cursed juge wolde no thyng tarie, |
| Ne heere a word moore of Virginius, |
| But yaf his juggement and seyde thus: |
| "I deeme anon this cherl his servant have, |
200 | Thou shalt no lenger in thyn hous hir save. |
| Go, bryng hir forth, and put hir in our warde. |
| The cherl shal have his thral, this I awarde." |
| And whan this worthy knyght Virginius, |
| Thurgh sentence of this justice Apius, |
205 | Moste by force his deere doghter yeven |
| Unto the juge in lecherie to lyven, |
| He gooth hym hoom, and sette him in his halle, |
| And leet anon his deere doghter calle, |
| And with a face deed as asshen colde, |
210 | Upon hir humble face he gan biholde |
| With fadres pitee stikynge thurgh his herte, |
| Al wolde he from his purpos nat converte. |
"Doghter," quod he, "Virginia, by thy name, |
| Ther been two weyes, outher deeth or shame |
215 | That thou most suffre, allas, that I was bore! |
| For nevere thou deservedest wherfore |
| To dyen with a swerd, or with a knyf. |
| O deere doghter, endere of my lyf, |
| Which I have fostred up with swich plesaunce, |
220 | That thou were nevere out of my remembraunce. |
| O doghter, which that art my laste wo, |
| And in my lyf my laste joye also, |
| O gemme of chastitee, in pacience |
| Take thou thy deeth, for this is my sentence, |
225 | For love and nat for hate, thou most be deed; |
| My pitous hand moot smyten of thyn heed. |
| Allas, that evere Apius the say! |
| Thus hath he falsly jugged the to day." |
| And tolde hir al the cas, as ye bifore |
230 | Han herd, nat nedeth for to telle it moore. |
"Thanne yif me leyser, fader myn," quod she, |
| "My deeth for to compleyne a litel space, |
240 | For, pardee, Jepte yaf his doghter grace |
| For to compleyne, er he hir slow, allas! |
| And, God it woot, no thyng was hir trespas |
| But for she ran hir fader for to see |
| To welcome hym with greet solempnitee." |
245 | And with that word she fil aswowne anon; |
| And after whan hir swownyng is agon |
| She riseth up and to hir fader sayde, |
| "Blissed be God that I shal dye a mayde; |
| Yif me my deeth, er that I have a shame. |
250 | Dooth with youre child youre wyl, a Goddes name." |
And with that word she preyed hym ful ofte |
| That with his swerd he wolde smyte softe, |
| And with that word aswowne doun she fil. |
| Hir fader, with ful sorweful herte and wil |
255 | Hir heed of smoot, and by the top it hente, |
| And to the juge he gan it to presente |
| As he sat yet in doom, in consistorie. |
| And whan the juge it saugh, as seith the storie, |
| He bad to take hym and anhange hym faste. |
260 | But right anon a thousand peple in thraste |
| To save the knyght for routhe and for pitee; |
| For knowen was the false iniquitee. |
| The peple anon hath suspect of this thyng, |
| By manere of the cherles chalangyng, |
265 | That it was by the assent of Apius; |
| They wisten wel that he was lecherus; |
| For which unto this Apius they gon |
| And caste hym in a prisoun right anon, |
| Ther as he slow hymself, and Claudius |
270 | That servant was unto this Apius, |
| Was demed for to hange upon a tree, |
| But that Virginius, of his pitee, |
| So preyde for hym, that he was exiled; |
| And elles, certes, he had been bigyled. |
275 | The remenant were anhanged, moore and lesse, |
| That were consentant of this cursednesse. |
Heere men may seen, how synne hath his merite. |
| Beth war, for no man woot whom God wol smyte |
| In no degree, ne in which manere wyse |
280 | The worm of conscience may agryse |
| Of wikked lyf, though it so pryvee be |
| That no man woot therof but God and he. |
| For be he lewed man, or ellis lered, |
| He noot how soone that he shal been afered. |
285 | Therfore I rede yow this conseil take, |
| Forsaketh synne, er synne yow forsake. |