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Sequitur pars secunda
(Here follows the second part)
The norice of digestioun, the sleep, | |
Gan on hem wynke, and bad hem taken keep, | |
That muchel drynke and labour wolde han reste; | |
350 | And with a galpyng mouth hem alle he keste, |
And seyde that it was tyme to lye adoun, | |
For blood was in his domynacioun. | |
'Cherisseth blood, natures freend,' quod he. | |
They thanken hym, galpynge, by two, by thre, | |
355 | And every wight gan drawe hym to his reste, |
As sleep hem bad; they tooke it for the beste. | |
Hir dremes shul nat been ytoold for me; | |
Ful were hir heddes of fumositee, | |
That causeth dreem, of which ther nys no charge. | |
360 | They slepen til that it was pryme large, |
The mooste part, but it were Canacee; | |
She was ful mesurable, as wommen be. | |
For of hir fader hadde she take leve | |
To goon to reste, soone after it was eve. | |
365 | Hir liste nat appalled for to be, |
Ne on the morwe unfeestlich for to se: | |
And slepte hir firste sleepe, and thanne awook; | |
For swich a joye she in hir herte took, | |
Bothe of hir queynte ryng and hire mirour, | |
370 | That twenty tyme she changed hir colour, |
And in hire sleep right for impressioun | |
Of hire mirrour she hadde a visioun. | |
Wherfore, er that the sonne gan up glyde, | |
She cleped on hir maistresse, hir bisyde, | |
375 | And seyde, that hir liste for to ryse. |
Thise olde wommen that been gladly wyse, | |
As hir maistresse answerde hir anon, | |
And seyde, "Madame, whider wil ye goon | |
Thus erly, for the folk been alle on reste?" | |
380 | "I wol," quod she, "arise, for me leste |
No lenger for to slepe; and walke aboute." | |
Hir maistresse clepeth wommen a greet route, | |
And up they rysen wel an ten or twelve. | |
Up riseth fresshe Canacee hirselve, | |
385 | As rody and bright as dooth the yonge sonne, |
That in the Ram is foure degrees upronne, | |
Noon hyer was he, whan she redy was; | |
And forth she walketh esily a pas, | |
Arrayed after the lusty seson soote, | |
390 | Lightly for to pleye and walke on foote, |
Nat but with fyve or sixe of hir meynee; | |
And in a trench forth in the park gooth she. |
The vapour, which that fro the erthe glood, | |
Made the sonne to seme rody and brood; | |
395 | But natheless, it was so fair a sighte |
That it made alle hir hertes for to lighte, | |
What for the sesoun and the morwenynge, | |
And for the foweles that she herde synge; | |
For right anon she wiste what they mente | |
400 | Right by hir song, and knew al hir entente. |
The knotte, why that every tale is toold, | |
If it be taried til that lust be coold | |
Of hem that han it after herkned yoore, | |
The savour passeth ever lenger the moore, | |
405 | For fulsomnesse of his prolixitee; |
And by the same resoun thynketh me, | |
I sholde to the knotte condescende, | |
And maken of hir walkyng soone an ende. |
Amydde a tree fordryed, as whit as chalk, | |
410 | As Canacee was pleyyng in hir walk, |
Ther sat a faucon over hir heed ful hye, | |
That with a pitous voys so gan to crye | |
That all the wode resouned of hir cry. | |
Ybeten hath she hirself so pitously | |
415 | With bothe hir wynges, til the rede blood |
Ran endelong the tree ther-as she stood, | |
And evere in oon she cryde alwey and shrighte, | |
And with hir beek hirselven so she prighte, | |
That ther nys tygre, ne noon so crueel beest | |
420 | That dwelleth outher in wode or in forest |
That nolde han wept, if that he wepe koude | |
For sorwe of hire, she shrighte alwey so loude. | |
For ther nas nevere yet no man on lyve | |
If that I koude a faucon wel discryve, | |
425 | That herde of swich another of fairnesse, |
As wel of plumage as of gentillesse | |
Of shape and al that myghte yrekened be. | |
A faucon peregryn thanne semed she | |
Of fremde land, and everemoore as she stood | |
430 | She swowneth now and now for lakke of blood, |
Til wel neigh is she fallen fro the tree. |
This faire kynges doghter, Canacee, | |
That on hir fynger baar the queynte ryng, | |
Thurgh which she understood wel every thyng | |
435 | That any fowel may in his leden seyn, |
And koude answeren hym in his ledene ageyn, | |
Hath understonde what this faucoun seyde, | |
And wel neigh for the routhe almoost she deyde. | |
And to the tree she gooth ful hastily, | |
440 | And on this faucoun looketh pitously, |
And heeld hir lappe abrood, for wel she wiste | |
The faucoun moste fallen fro the twiste, | |
Whan that it swowned next, for lakke of blood. | |
A longe while to wayten hir she stood, | |
445 | Til atte laste she spak in this manere |
Unto the hauk, as ye shal after heere. | |
"What is the cause, if it be for to telle, | |
That ye be in this furial pyne of helle?" | |
Quod Canacee unto the hauk above, | |
450 | "Is this for sorwe of deeth, or los of love? |
For, as I trowe, thise been causes two | |
That causeth moost a gentil herte wo. | |
Of oother harm it nedeth nat to speke, | |
For ye yourself upon yourself yow wreke, | |
455 | Which proveth wel, that oother love or drede |
Moot been enchesoun of your cruel dede, | |
Syn that I see noon oother wight yow chace. | |
For love of God as dooth yourselven grace. | |
Or what may been your helpe? for west nor est | |
460 | Ne saugh I nevere er now no bryd ne beest |
That ferde with hymself so pitously. | |
Ye sle me with your sorwe, verraily, | |
I have of yow so greet compassioun. | |
For Goddes love com fro the tree adoun, | |
465 | And as I am a kynges doghter trewe, |
If that I verraily the cause knewe | |
Of your disese, if it lay in my myght | |
I wolde amenden it er that it were nyght, | |
As wisly helpe me, grete god of kynde! | |
470 | And herbes shal I right ynowe yfynde, |
To heele with youre hurtes hastily." |
Tho shrighte this faucoun moore yet pitously | |
Than ever she dide, and fil to grounde anon | |
And lith aswowne, deed, and lyk a stoon, | |
475 | Til Canacee hath in hir lappe hir take |
Unto the tyme she gan of swough awake. | |
And after that she of hir swough gan breyde, | |
Right in hir haukes ledene thus she seyde: | |
"That pitee renneth soone in gentil herte, | |
480 | Feelynge his similitude in peynes smerte, |
Is preved al day, as men may it see, | |
As wel by werk as by auctoritee. | |
For gentil herte kitheth gentillesse. | |
I se wel, that ye han of my distresse | |
485 | Compassioun, my faire Canacee, |
Of verray wommanly benignytee | |
That Nature in youre principles hath set. | |
But for noon hope for to fare the bet, | |
But for to obeye unto youre herte free, | |
490 | And for to maken othere be war by me, |
As by the whelp chasted is the leon, | |
Right for that cause and that conclusion | |
Whil that I have a leyser and a space, | |
Myn harm I wol confessen, er I pace." | |
495 | And evere whil that oon hir sorwe tolde, |
That oother weep, as she to water wolde, | |
Til that the faucoun bad hire to be stille; | |
And with a syk right thus she seyde hir wille. | |
"Ther I was bred, - allas, that ilke day! - | |
500 | And fostred in a roche of marbul gray |
So tendrely, that no thyng eyled me; | |
I nyste nat what was adversitee, | |
Til I koude flee ful hye under the sky. | |
Tho dwelte a tercelet me faste by | |
505 | That semed welle of alle gentillesse, |
Al were he ful of tresoun and falsnesse; | |
It was so wrapped under humble cheere, | |
And under hewe of trouthe in swich manere, | |
Under plesance, and under bisy peyne, | |
510 | That I ne koude han wend he koude feyne, |
So depe in greyn he dyed his colours. | |
Right as a serpent hit hym under floures | |
Til he may seen his tyme for to byte, | |
Right so this god of love, this ypocryte, | |
515 | Dooth so hise cerymonyes and obeisaunces, |
And kepeth in semblant alle hise observaunces | |
That sownen into gentillesse of love. | |
As in a toumbe is al the faire above, | |
And under is the corps swich as ye woot, | |
520 | Swich was this ypocrite, bothe coold and hoot; |
And in this wise he served his entente, | |
That, save the feend-noon wiste what he mente; | |
Til he so longe hadde wopen and compleyned, | |
And many a yeer his service to me feyned, | |
525 | Til that myn herte, to pitous and to nyce, |
Al innocent of his crouned malice, | |
Forfered of his deeth, as thoughte me, | |
Upon his othes and his seuretee, | |
Graunted hym love up this condicioun | |
530 | That everemoore myn honour and renoun |
Were saved, bothe privee and apert. | |
This is to seyn, that after his desert | |
I yaf hym al myn herte and al my thoght - | |
God woot and he, that ootherwise noght! - | |
535 | And took his herte in chaunge for myn for ay. |
But sooth is seyd, goon sithen many a day, | |
'A trewe wight and a theef thenken nat oon.' | |
And whan he saugh the thyng so fer ygoon, | |
That I hadde graunted hym fully my love, | |
540 | In swich a gyse as I have seyd above, |
And yeven hym my trewe herte, as free | |
As he swoor he his herte yaf to me, | |
Anon this tigre ful of doublenesse | |
Fil on hise knees, with so devout humblesse, | |
545 | With so heigh reverence, and as by his cheere |
So lyk a gentil lovere of manere, | |
So ravysshed, as it semed, for the joye, | |
That nevere Jason, ne Parys of Troye - | |
Jason? Certes, ne noon oother man | |
550 | Syn Lameth was, that alderfirst bigan |
To loven two, as writen folk biforn - | |
Ne nevere, syn the firste man was born, | |
Ne koude man, by twenty thousand part, | |
Countrefete the sophymes fo his art; | |
555 | Ne were worhty unbokelen his galoche, |
Ther doublenesse or feynyng sholde approche, | |
Ne so koude thonke a wight as he dide me. | |
His manere was an hevene for to see | |
Til any womman, were she never so wys; | |
560 | So peynted he and kembde at point-devys |
As wel hise wordes as his contenaunce | |
And I so loved hym for his oveisaunce | |
And for the trouthe I demed in his herte, | |
That if so were that any thyng hym smerte, | |
565 | Al were it nevere so lite, and I it wiste, |
Me thoughte I felte deeth myn herte twiste. | |
And shortly so ferforth this thyng is went, | |
That my wyl was his willes instrument; | |
This is to seyn, my wyl obeyed his wyl | |
570 | In alle thyng as fer as resoun fil, |
Kepynge the boundes of my worshipe evere. | |
Ne nevere hadde I thyng so lief, ne levere, | |
As hym, God woot! ne nevere shal namo. |
This lasteth lenger than a yeer or two, | |
575 | That I supposed of hym noght but good. |
But finally, thus atte laste it stood, | |
That Fortune wolde that he moste twynne | |
Out of that place, which that I was inne. | |
Wher me was wo that is no questioun; | |
580 | I kan nat make of it discripcioun. |
For o thyng dare I tellen boldely, | |
I knowe what is the peyne of deeth therby. | |
Swich harm I felte, for he ne myghte bileve; | |
So on a day of me he took his leve | |
585 | So sorwefully eek, that I wende verraily, |
That he had felt as muche harm as I, | |
Whan that I herde hym speke, and saugh his hewe. | |
But nathelees, I thoughte he was so trewe, | |
And eek that he repaire sholde ageyn | |
590 | Withinne a litel while, sooth to seyn, |
And resoun wolde eek that he moste go | |
For his honour, as ofte it happeth so, | |
That I made vertu of necessitee, | |
And took it wel, syn that it moste be. | |
595 | As I best myghte, I hidde fro hym my sorwe, |
And took hym by the hond, Seint John to borwe, | |
And seyde hym thus, 'Lo I am youres al. | |
Beth swich as I to yow have been, and shal.' | |
What he answerde, it nedeth noght reherce, | |
600 | Who kan sey bet than he? who kan do werse? |
Whan he hath al wel seyd, thanne hath he doon; | |
'Therfore bihoveth hire a ful long spoon | |
That shal ete with a feend,' thus herde I seye. | |
So atte laste he moste forth his weye, | |
605 | And forth he fleeth, til he cam ther hym leste. |
Whan it cam hym to purpos for to reste, | |
I trowe he hadde thilke text in mynde | |
That 'alle thyng repeirynge to his kynde | |
Gladeth hymself;' thus seyn men, as I gesse. | |
610 | Men loven of propre kynde newefangelnesse, |
As briddes doon, that men in cages fede, | |
For though thou nyght and day take of hem hede, | |
And strawe hir cage faire and softe as silk, | |
And yeve hem sugre, hony, breed, and milk, | |
615 | Yet right anon as that his dore is uppe, |
He with his feet wol spurne adoun his cuppe, | |
And to the wode he wole and wormes ete; | |
So newefangel been they of hir mete, | |
And loven novelrie of propre kynde. | |
620 | No gentillesse of blood ne may hem bynde. |
So ferde this tercelet, allas, the day! | |
Though he were gentil born, and fressh, and gay, | |
And goodlich for to seen, humble and free, | |
He saugh upon a tyme a kyte flee, | |
625 | And sodeynly he loved this kyte so |
That al his love is clene fro me ago, | |
And hath his trouthe falsed in this wyse. | |
Thus hath the kyte my love in hire servyse, | |
And I am lorn withouten remedie." | |
630 | And with that word this faucoun gan to crie, |
And swowned eft in Canacees barm. | |
Greet was the sorwe for the haukes harm | |
That Canacee and alle hir wommen made. | |
They nyste hou they myghte the faucoun glade; | |
635 | But Canacee hom bereth hir in hir lappe, |
And softely in plastres gan hir wrappe, | |
Ther as she with hir beek hadde hurt hirselve. | |
Now kan nat Canacee but herbes delve | |
Out of the ground, and make saves newe | |
640 | Of herbes preciouse and fyne of hewe, |
To heelen with this hauk. Fro day to nyght | |
She dooth hir bisynesse and al hir myght. | |
And by hir beddes heed she made a mewe, | |
And covered it with veluettes blewe, | |
645 | In signe of trouthe that is in wommen sene. |
And al withoute, the mewe is peynted grene, | |
In which were ypeynted alle thise false fowles, | |
As ben thise tidyves, tercelettes, and owles, | |
Right for despit were peynted hem bisyde, | |
650 | Pyes, on hem for to crie and chyde. |
Thus lete I Canacee hir hauk kepyng; | |
I wol namoore as now speke of hir ryng, | |
Til it come eft to purpos for to seyn | |
How that this faucoun gat hire love ageyn | |
655 | Repentant, as the storie telleth us, |
By mediacioun of Cambalus, | |
The kynges sone, of which that I yow tolde. | |
But hennesforth I wol my proces holde | |
To speken of aventures and of batailles, | |
660 | That nevere yet was herd so grete mervailles. |
First wol I telle yow of Cambyuskan, | |
That in his tyme many a citee wan; | |
And after wol I speke of Algarsif, | |
How that he wan Theodora to his wif, | |
665 | For whom ful ofte in greet peril he was, |
Ne hadde he be holpen by the steede of bras; | |
And after wol I speke of Cambalo | |
That faught in lystes with the bretheren two | |
For Canacee, er that he myghte hir wynne. | |
670 | And ther I lefte, I wol ayeyn bigynne. |
Explicit secunda pars (Here ends the second part) | ![]() © Librarius All rights reserved. |