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This somonour in his styropes hye stood; | |
Upon this Frere his herte was so wood | |
That lyk an aspen leef he quook for ire. |
"Lordynges," quod he, "but o thyng I desire; | |
5 | I yow biseke that, of youre curteisye, |
Syn ye han herd this false frere lye, | |
As suffreth me I may my tale telle. | |
This frere bosteth that he knoweth helle, | |
And God it woot, that it is litel wonder; | |
10 | Freres and feendes been but lyte asonder. |
For, pardee, ye han ofte tyme herd telle | |
How that a frere ravyshed was to helle | |
In spirit ones by a visioun; | |
And as an angel ladde hym up and doun, | |
15 | To shewen hym the peynes that the were, |
In al the place saugh he nat a frere; | |
Of oother folk he saugh ynowe in wo. | |
Unto this angel spak the frere tho: |
'Now, sire,' quod he, 'han freres swich a grace | |
20 | That noon of hem shal come to this place?' |
'Yis,' quod this angel, 'many a millioun!' | |
And unto Sathanas he ladde hym doun. | |
'And now hath Sathanas,' seith he, 'a tayl | |
Brodder than of a carryk is the sayl. | |
25 | Hold up thy tayl, thou Sathanas!' quod he; |
'Shewe forth thyn ers, and lat the frere se | |
Where is the nest of freres in this place!' | |
And er that half a furlong wey of space, | |
Right so as bees out swarmen from an hyve, | |
30 | Out of the develes ers ther gonne dryve |
Twenty thousand freres on a route, | |
And thurghout helle swarmed al aboute, | |
And comen agayn as faste as they may gon, | |
And in his ers they crepten everychon. | |
35 | He clapte his tayl agayn and lay ful stille. |
This frere, whan he looked hadde his fille | |
Upon the tormentz of this sory place, | |
His spirit God restored, of his grace, | |
Unto his body agayn, and he awook. | |
40 | But natheles, for fere yet he quook, |
So was the develes ers ay in his mynde, | |
That is his heritage of verray kynde. | |
God save yow alle, save this cursed frere! | |
My prologe wol I ende in this manere." |
Next: The Summoner's Tale (ll. 45-630) | ![]() © Librarius All rights reserved. |