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From The Clerk's Tale, lines 1037-1043:
Griselda asks Walter not to test his new wife like he has tested her
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Clerk's Tale
lines 1044-1078: Walter is done testing Griselda and he reveals that
his bride is actually her (and his) daughter

       And whan this Walter saugh hir pacience,
1045Hir glade chiere, and no malice at al,
And he so ofte had doon to hir offence
And she ay sad and constant as a wal,
Continuynge evere hir innocence overal,
This sturdy markys gan his herte dresse
1050To rewen upon hir wyfly stedfastnesse.
       And when this Walter thought of her patience,
1045Her glad face, with no malice there at all,
And how so oft he'd done to her offence,
And she always firm and constant as a wall,
Remaining ever blameless through it all,
This cruel marquis did his heart address
1050To pity for her wifely steadfastness.

       "This is ynogh Grisilde myn," quod he,
"Be now namoore agast, ne yvele apayed.
I have thy feith and thy benyngnytee
As wel as evere womman was, assayed
1055In greet estaat, and povreliche arrayed;
Now knowe I, goode wyf, thy stedfastnesse!"
And hire in armes took, and gan hir kesse.
       "This is enough, Griselda mine!" cried he,
"Be now no more ill pleased nor more afraid;
I have your faith and your benignity,
As straitly as ever woman's was, assayed
1055In high place and in poverty arrayed.
Now know I well, dear wife, your steadfastness."
And he began to kiss her and to press.

       And she for wonder took of it no keep.
She herde nat, what thyng he to hir seyde.
1060She ferde as she had stert out of a sleep,
Til she out of hire mazednesse abreyde.
"Grisilde," quod he, "by God that for us deyde,
Thou art my wyf, ne noon oother I have,
Ne nevere hadde, as God my soule save.
       And she, for wonder, took of this no keep;
She heard not what the thing was he had cried;
1060She fared as if she'd started out of sleep,
Till from bewilderment she roused her pride.
"Griselda," said he, "by our God Who died,
You are my wife, no other one I have,
Nor ever had, as God my soul may save!

1065       This is thy doghter which thou hast supposed
To be my wyf; that oother feithfully
Shal be myn heir, as I have ay purposed;
Thou bare hym in thy body trewely.
At Boloigne have I kept hem prively.
1070Taak hem agayn, for now maystow nat seye
That thou hast lorn noon of thy children tweye.
1065        This is your daughter, whom you have supposed
Should be my wife; the other child truly
Shall be my heir, as I have always purposed;
You bore him in your body faithfully.
I've kept them at Bologna secretly;
1070Take them again, for now you cannot say
That you have lost your two children for aye

       And folk that ootherweys han seyd of me,
I warne hem wel that I have doon this deede
For no malice, ne for no crueltee,
1075But for t'assaye in thee thy wommanheede,
And not to sleen my children - God forbeede! -
But for to kepe hem pryvely and stille,
Til I thy purpos knewe and al thy wille."
       And folk that otherwise have said of me,
I warn them well that I have done this deed
Neither for malice nor for cruelty,
1075But to make trial in you of virtue hid,
And not to slay my children, God forbid!
But just to keep them secretly and still
Till I your purpose knew and all your will."

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From The Clerk's Tale, lines 1079-1106:
Griselda swoons from emotions