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From The Clerk's Tale, lines 617-630:
Two years later, Walter tests his wife Griselda once more
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Clerk's Tale
lines 631-644: Walter explains there are doubts about his son's nobleness

       Now sey they thus, `whan Walter is agon,
Thanne shal the blood of Janicle succede,
And been oure lord, for oother have we noon.'
Swiche wordes seith my peple, out of drede,
635Wel oughte I of swich murmur taken heede,
For certeinly I drede swich sentence,
Though they nat pleyn speke in myn audience.
       Now they say this: 'When Walter's dead and gone.
Then shall Janicula's base blood succeed
And be our lord, for other have we none!'
Such words my people say, 'tis true, indeed!
635Well ought I of such murmurs to take heed;
For truly do I fear the populace,
Though they say nothing plainly to my face.

       I wolde lyve in pees, if that I myghte;
Wherfore I am disposed outrely
640As I his suster servede by nyghte,
Right so thenke I to serve hym pryvely.
This warne I yow, that ye nat sodeynly
Out of yourself for no wo sholde outreye.
Beth pacient, and therof I yow preye."
       I would exist in peace, if that I might;
Wherefore I am determined utterly
640That as his sister served I, and by night,
Just so will I serve him full secretly;
And thus I warn you, that not suddenly
Out of yourself for woe you start or stray;
Be patient in this sorrow, so I pray."

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From The Clerk's Tale, lines 645-672:
Griselda again submits herself to Walter's will