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From The Franklin's Tale, lines 393-456:
Aurelius' brother knows a cure
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Franklin's Tale
lines 457-480: The two brothers leave for Orleans and meet a clerk

       What sholde I make a lenger tale of this?
Unto his brotheres bed he comen is,
And swich confort he yaf hym for to gon
460To Orliens that he up stirte anon,
And on his wey forthward thanne is he fare
In hope for to been lissed of his care.
       Whan they were come almoost to that citee,
But if it were a furlong or three,
465A yong clerk romynge by hymself they mette,
Which that in Latyn thriftily hem grette,
And after that he seyde a wonder thyng:
"I knowe," quod he, "the cause of youre comyng."
And er they ferther any foote wente,
470He tolde hem al that was in hire entente.
       Why should I longer speak of this event?
He to the bedside of his brother went,
And urged him eagerly to get him gone
460To Orleans; he started up anon
And forward on his way at once did fare
In hope to be relieved of all his care.
       When they were come almost to that city,
Perhaps two furlongs short of it, or three,
465A young clerk walking by himself they met,
Who, in good Latin, heartily did greet,
And after that he said a wondrous thing.
"I know," said he, "the cause of your coming."
And before a farther foot the brothers went,
470He told them all the soul of their intent.
       This Briton clerk hym asked of felawes
The whiche that he had knowe in olde dawes,
And he answerde hym that they dede were,
For which he weep ful ofte many a teere.
475       Doun of his hors Aurelius lighte anon,
And with this magicien forth is he gon
Hoom to his hous, and maden hem wel at ese.
Hem lakked no vitaille that myghte hem plese.
So wel arrayed hous as ther was oon
480Aurelius in his lyf saugh nevere noon.
       This Breton clerk asked after school-fellows
Whom he had known through former suns and snows;
And he replied to this that dead they were,
Whereat he wept, for sorrow, many a tear.
475       Down from his horse Aurelius leaped anon,
And onward with this wizard he was gone
Home to his house, where he was put at ease.
To him there lacked no victuals that might please;
So well appointed house as was that one
480Aurelius in life before saw none.

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From The Franklin's Tale, lines 481-500:
The clerk shows his magical power