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From The Franklin's Tale, lines 631-658:
Dorigen pities herself that she has fallen for the trap
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Franklin's Tale
lines 659-670: An example about Phido's daughters who have committed suicide

       Yis, certes, lo, thise stories beren witnesse,
660Whan thritty tirauntz, ful of cursednesse,
Hadde slayn Phidoun in Atthenes, at feste,
They comanded hise doghtres for tareste,
And bryngen hem biforn hem in despit,
Al naked, to fulfille hir foul delit,
665And in hir fadres blood they made hem daunce
Upon the pavement, God yeve hem meschaunce!
For which thise woful maydens ful of drede,
Rather than they wolde lese hir maydenhede,
They prively been stirt into a welle
670And dreynte hemselven, as the bookes telle.
       Yes, truly, lo, these stories bear witness;
660When thirty tyrants, full of wickedness,
Had Phido slain in Athens, at a feast,
They gave command his daughters to arrest,
And had them brought before them, for despite,
All naked, to fulfill their foul delight,
665And in their father's blood they made them dance
Upon the pavement - God give them mischance!
For which these woeful maidens, full of dread,
Rather than they should lose their maidenhead,
Unseen they all leaped down into a well
670And drowned themselves therein, as old books tell.

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From The Franklin's Tale, lines 671-686:
Other examples about women who prefer suicide rather than being dishonoured