Pleyen he koude on every mynstralcie, |
| And syngen, that it was a melodie |
115 | To heeren of his cleere voys the soun. |
| Certes, the kyng of Thebes, Amphioun, |
| That with his syngyng walled that citee, |
| Koude nevere syngen half so wel as hee. |
| Therto he was the semelieste man, |
120 | That is or was sith that the world bigan. |
| What nedeth it hise fetures to discryve? |
| For in this world was noon so fair on lyve. |
| He was therwith fulfild of gentillesse, |
| Of honour, and of parfit worthynesse. |
He played all instruments of minstrelsy, |
| And sang so that it made great harmony |
115 | To hear his clear voice in the joyous sun. |
| Truly the king of Thebes, that Amphion |
| Who, by his singing, walled that great city, |
| Could never sing one half so well as he. |
| Therewith he was the handsomest young man |
120 | That is or was since first the world began. |
| What needs it that his features I revive? |
| For in the world was none so fair alive. |
| Compact of honour and of nobleness, |
| Perfect he was in every worthiness. |