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From The Merchant's Tale, lines 1099-1107:
Pluto and Proserpine stop arguing, however they both affirm their previous promise
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Merchant's Tale
lines 1108-1125: Maia leads January to the tree with hidden Damian and asks her husband January for some fruit

       Now lat us turne agayn to Januarie,
That in the gardyn with his faire May
1110Syngeth ful murier than the papejay,
"Yow love I best, and shal, and oother noon."
So longe aboute the aleyes is he goon,
Til he was come agaynes thilke pyrie
Where as this Damyan sitteth ful myrie
1115An heigh among the fresshe leves grene.
       This fresshe May, that is so bright and sheene,
Gan for to syke, and seyde, "Allas, my syde!
Now sire," quod she, "for aught that may bityde,
I moste han of the peres that I see,
1120Or I moot dye, so soore longeth me
To eten of the smale peres grene.
Help, for hir love that is of hevene queene!
I telle yow wel, a womman in my plit
May han to fruyt so greet an appetit
1125That she may dyen, but she of it have."
       Now let us turn again to January,
Who in the garden with his lovely May
1110Sang, and that merrier than the popinjay,
"I love you best, and ever shall, I know."
And so about the alleys did he go
Till he had come at last to that pear-tree
Wherein this Damian sat right merrily
1115On high, among the young leaves fresh and green.
       This blooming May, who was so bright of sheen,
Began to sigh, and said: "Alas, my side!
Now, sir," said she, "no matter what betide,
I must have some of these pears that I see,
1120Or I may die, so much I long," said she,
"To eat some of those little pears so green.
Help, for Her love Who is of Heaven Queen!
I tell you well, a woman in my plight
May have for fruit so great an appetite
1125That she may die if none of it she have."

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From The Merchant's Tale, lines 1126-1141:
As January is unable to climb, Maia climbs in the tree and Damian doesn't wait a second