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From The Merchant's Tale, lines 1126-1141:
As January is unable to climb, Maia climbs in the tree and Damian doesn't wait a second
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Merchant's Tale
lines 1142-1155: January's power of vision is restored and he rages by what he sees

       And whan that Pluto saugh this grete wrong,
To Januarie he gaf agayn his sighte,
And made hym se as wel as evere he myghte.
1145And whan that he hadde caught his sighte agayn,
Ne was ther nevere man of thyng so fayn,
But on his wyf his thoght was everemo.
Up to the tree he caste his eyen two,
And saugh that Damyan his wyf had dressed
1150In swich manere it may nat been expressed,
But if I wolde speke uncurteisly;
And up he yaf a roryng and a cry,
As dooth the mooder whan the child shal dye:
"Out! Help! Allas! Harrow!" he gan to crye,
1155"O stronge lady stoore, what dostow?"
       And when King Pluto saw this awful wrong,
To January he gave again his sight,
And made him see as well as ever he might.
1145And when he thus had got his sight again,
Never was man of anything so fain.
But since his wife he thought of first and last,
Up to the tree his eyes he quickly cast,
And saw how Damian his wife had dressed
1150In such a way as cannot be expressed,
Except I should rudely speak and vulgarly:
And such a bellowing clamour then raised he
As does a mother when her child must die:
"Out! Help! Alas! Oh, help me!" he did cry,
1155"Outlandish, brazen woman, what do you do?"

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From The Merchant's Tale, lines 1156-1199:
Maia denies and says January claims delusion caused by his medicine