| "Ey! Goddes mercy!" seyde oure Hooste tho, |
| "Now swich a wyf I pray God kepe me fro! |
| Lo, whiche sleightes and subtilitees |
1210 | In wommen been! for ay as bisy as bees |
| Been they, us sely men for to deceyve, |
| And from the soothe evere wol they weyve; |
| By this marchauntes tale it preveth weel. |
| But doutelees, as trewe as any steel |
1215 | I have a wyf, though that she povre be, |
| But of hir tonge, a labbyng shrewe is she, |
| And yet she hath an heep of vices mo; |
| Therof no fors! Lat alle swiche thynges go. |
| But wyte ye what? In conseil be it seyd, |
1220 | Me reweth soore I am unto hire teyd. |
| For, and I sholde rekenen every vice |
| Which that she hath, ywis I were to nyce; |
| And cause why, it sholde reported by |
| And toold to hire of somme of this meynee, - |
1225 | Of whom, it nedeth nat for to declare, |
| Syn wommen konnen outen swich chaffare; |
| And eek my with suffiseth nat therto, |
| To tellen al, wherfore my tale is do." |
| Eh! By God's mercy!" cried our host. Said he: |
| "Now such a wife I pray God keep from me! |
| Behold what tricks, and lo, what subtleties |
1210 | In women are. For always busy as bees |
| Are they, us simple men thus to deceive, |
| And from the truth they turn aside and leave; |
| By this same merchant's tale it's proved, I feel, |
| But, beyond doubt, as true as any steel |
1215 | I have a wife, though poor enough she be; |
| But of her tongue a babbling shrew is she, |
| And she's a lot of other vices too. |
| No matter, though, with this we've naught to do. |
| But know you what? In secret, be it said, |
1220 | I am sore sorry that to her I'm wed. |
| For if I should up-reckon every vice |
| The woman has, I'd be a fool too nice, |
| And why? Because it should reported be |
| And told her by some of this company; |
1225 | Who'd be the ones, I need not now declare, |
| Since women know the traffic in such ware; |
| Besides, my wit suffices not thereto |
| To tell it all; wherefore my tale is through." |