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From The Merchant's Tale, lines 365-410:
January chooses a bride and calls his brothers
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Merchant's Tale
lines 411-424: January says he likes her but has one urgent question

       He seyde ther was a mayden in the toun,
Which that of beautee hadde greet renoun,
Al were it so she were of smal degree;
Suffiseth hym hir yowthe and hir beautee.
415Which mayde, he seyde, he wolde han to his wyf,
To lede in ese and hoolynesse his lyf;
And thanked God that he myghte han hire al,
That no wight his blisse parten shal.
And preyed hem to laboure in this nede,
420And shapen that he faille nat to spede;
For thanne, he seyde, his spirit was at ese.
"Thanne is," quod he, "no thyng may me displese,
Save o thyng priketh in my conscience,
The which I wol reherce in youre presence.
       He said there was a maiden in the town
Who had for beauty come to great renown,
Despite the fact she was of small degree;
Sufficed him well her youth and her beauty.
415Which maid, he said, he wanted for his wife,
To lead in ease and decency his life.
And he thanked God that he might have her, all,
That none partook of his bliss now, nor shall.
And prayed them all to labour in this need
420And so arrange that he'd fail not, indeed;
For then, he said, his soul should be at case.
"And then," said he, "there's naught can me displease,
Except one lone thing that sticks in my conscience,
The which I will recite in your presence.

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From The Merchant's Tale, lines 425-442:
"How do I get to heaven when marriage is already heaven on earth?"