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From The Nun's Priest's Prologue, lines 1-13:
The Knight comments on the Monk's tale
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Nun's Priest's Prologue
lines 14-39: The Host asks the Monk to tell another tale

       "Ye," quod our Hoost, "by Seint Poules belle,
15Ye seye right sooth; this Monk, he clappeth lowde,
He spak, how Fortune covered with a clowde-
I noot nevere what; and also of a tragedie
Right now ye herde; and pardee, no remedie
It is for to biwaille ne compleyne
20That that is doon; and als it is a peyne,
As ye han seyd, to heere of hevynesse.
       "Yea," said our host, "and by Saint Paul's great bell,
15You say the truth; this monk, his clapper's loud.
He spoke how Fortune covered with a cloud
I know not what, and of a tragedy,
As now you heard, and indeed no remedy
It is to wail and wonder and complain
20That certain things have happened, and it's pain.
As you have said, to hear of wretchedness.
       Sire Monk, namoore of this, so God yow blesse!
Youre tale anoyeth al this compaignye;
Swich talkyng is nat worth a boterflye,
25For therinne is ther no desport ne game.
Wherfore, sire Monk, or daun Piers by youre name,
I pray yow hertely, telle us somwhat elles,
For sikerly, nere clynkyng of youre belles
That on your bridel hange on every syde,
30By hevene kyng, that for us alle dyde,
I sholde er this han fallen doun for sleepe,
Althogh the slough had never been so deepe;
Thanne hadde your tale al be toold in veyn.
For certeinly, as that thise clerkes seyn,
35Whereas a man may have noon audience,
Noght helpeth it to tellen his sentence.
And wel I woot the substance is in me,
If any thyng shal wel reported be.
Sir, sey somwhat of huntyng, I yow preye."
       Sir Monk, no more of this, so God you bless!
Your tale annoys the entire company;
Such talking is not worth a butterfly;
25For in it is no sport nor any game.
Wherefore, sir monk, Don Peter by your name,
I pray you heartily tell us something else,
For truly, but for clinking of the bells
That from your bridle hang on either side,
30By Heaven's king, Who for us all has died,
I should, before this, have fallen down for sleep,
Although the mud had never been so deep;
Then had your story all been told in vain.
For certainly, as all these clerks complain,
35'Whenas a man has none for audience,
It's little help to speak his evidence.'
And well I know the substance is in me
To judge of things that well reported be.
Sir, tell a tale of hunting now, I pray."

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From The Nun's Priest's Prologue, lines 40-54:
The Monk is reluctant and the Host asks the Nun's Priest to tell a tale