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From The Nun's Priest's Tale, lines 176-203:
Pertelote advises Chauntecleer to eat some herbs
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Nun's Priest's Tale
lines 204-217: Chauntcleer explains that dreams can have a certain meaning

       "Madame," quod he, "graunt mercy of youre loore,
205But nathelees, as touchyng daun Catoun,
That hath of wysdom swich a greet renoun,
Though that he bad no dremes for to drede,
By God, men may in olde bookes rede
Of many a man moore of auctorite
210Than evere Caton was, so moot I thee,
That al the revers seyn of this sentence,
And han wel founden by experience
That dremes been significaciouns
As wel of joye as of tribulaciouns
215That folk enduren in this lif present.
Ther nedeth make of this noon argument,
The verray preeve sheweth it in dede.
       "Madam," said he, "thank you for your lore.
205Nevertheless, not running Cato down,
Who had for wisdom such a high renown,
And though he says to hold no dreams in dread,
By God, men have, in many old books, read
Of many a man more an authority
210That ever Cato was, pray pardon me,
Who say just the reverse of his sentence,
And have found out by long experience
That dreams, indeed, are good significations,
As much of joys as of all tribulations
215That folk endure here in this life present.
There is no need to make an argument;
The very proof of this is shown indeed.

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From The Nun's Priest's Tale, lines 218-262:
An example about a man having a bad dream