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From The Pardoner's Prologue, lines 103-136:
How the Pardoner earns his money
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Pardoner's Prologue
lines 137-148: The Pardoner repeats his theme

       But shortly, myn entente I wol devyse;
I preche of no thyng but for coveityse.
Therfore my theme is yet, and evere was,
140'Radix malorum est Cupiditas.'
Thus kan I preche agayn that same vice
Which that I use, and that is avarice.
But though myself be gilty in that synne,
Yet kan I maken oother folk to twynne
145From avarice, and soore to repente;
But that is nat my principal entente.
I preche no thyng but for coveitise.
Of this mateere it oghte ynogh suffise.
       "But briefly my intention I'll express;
I preach no sermon, except for covetousness.
For at my theme is yet, and ever was,
140'Radix malorum est cupiditas.'
Thus can I preach against that self-same vice
Which I indulge, and that is avarice.
But though myself be guilty of that sin,
Yet can I cause these other folk to win
145From avarice and really to repent.
But that is not my principal intent.
I preach no sermon, save for covetousness;
This should suffice of that, though, as I guess.

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From The Pardoner's Prologue, lines 149-176:
The Pardoner rejects personal austerity and frugality