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From The Pardoner's Tale, lines 287-292:
A hymn to abstinence and prayer
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Pardoner's Tale
lines 293-316: Biblical examples on drunkenness

       Looke, Attilla, the grete conquerour,
Deyde in his sleepe, with shame and dishonour,
295Bledynge ay at his nose in dronkenesse.
A capitayn sholde lyve in sobrenesse;
And over al this avyseth yow right wel,
What was comaunded unto Lamwel,
Nat Samuel, but Lamwel, seye I -
300Redeth the Bible and fynde it expresly,
Of wyn yevyng to hem that han justise.
Namoore of this, for it may wel suffise.
       And now that I have spoken of glotonye,
Now wol I yow deffenden hasardrye.
305Hasard is verray mooder of lesynges,
And of dedeite and cursed forswerynges,
Blaspheme of Crist, manslaughtre and wast also
Of catel and of tyme, and forthermo
It is repreeve and contrarie of honour
310For to ben holde a commune hasardour.
And ever the hyer he is of estaat,
The moore is he holden desolaat;
If that a prynce useth hasardrye,
In all governaunce and policye
315He is as by commune opinioun
Yholde the lasse in reputacioun.
       Lo, Attila, the mighty conqueror,
Died in his sleep, in shame and dishonour,
295And bleeding at the nose for drunkenness;
A great captain should live in soberness.
Above all this, advise yourself right well
What was commanded unto Lemuel -
Not Samuel, but Lemuel, say I -
300The Bible's words you cannot well deny:
Drinking by magistrates is called a vice.
No more of this, for it may well suffice.
       And now that I have told of gluttony,
I'll take up gambling, showing you thereby
305The curse of chance, and all its evils treat;
From it proceeds false swearing and deceit,
Blaspheming, murder, and- what's more- the waste
Of time and money; add to which, debased
And shamed and lost to honour quite is he,
310Who once a common gambler's known to be.
And ever the higher one is of estate,
The more he's held disgraced and desolate.
And if a prince plays similar hazardry
In all his government and policy,
315He loses in the estimate of men
His good repute, and finds it not again.

Next Next:
From The Pardoner's Tale, lines 317-334:
An examplary story about Chilon