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From The Parson's Tale, paragraph 9:
The first move to contrition
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Parson's Tale
Paragraph 9
The second move to contrition

§ 9        The seconde cause that oghte make a man to have desdeyn of synne is this: that, as seith Seint Peter, "whoso that dooth synne is thral of synne"; and synne put a man in greet thraldom. And therfore seith the prophete Ezechiel: "I wente sorweful in desdayn of myself. Certes, wel oghte a man have desdayn of synne, and withdrawe hym from that thraldom and vileynye. And lo, what seith Seneca in this matere? He seith thus: "though I wiste that neither God ne man ne sholde nevere knowe it, yet wolde I have desdayn for to do synne." And the same Seneca also seith: "I am born to gretter thynges that to be thral to my body, or than for to maken of my body a thral." Ne a fouler thral may no man ne womman maken of his body that for to yeven his body to synne. Al were it the fouleste cherl or the fouleste womman that lyveth, and leest of value, yet is he thanne moore foul and moore in servitute. Evere fro the hyer degree that man falleth, the moore is he thral, and moore to God and to the world vile and abhomynable. O goode God, wel oghte man have desdayn of synne, sith that thurgh synne, ther he was free, now is he maked bonde. And therfore seyth Seint Augustyn: if thou hast desdayn of thy servant, if he agilte or synne, have thou thanne desdayn that thou thyself sholdest do synne. Tak reward of thy value, that thou ne be foul to thyself. Allas! wel oghten they thanne have desdayn to been servauntz and thralles to synne, and soore been ashamed of hemself, that God of his endelees goodnesse hath set hem in heigh estaat, or yeven hem wit, strenghte of body, heele, beautee, prosperitee, and boghte hem fro the deeth with his herte-blood. That they so unkyndely, agayns his gentilesse, quiten hym so vileynsly to slaughtre of hir owene soules. O goode God, ye wommen that been of so greet beautee, remembreth yow of the proverbe of Salomon. He seith: "likneth a fair womman that is a fool of hire body lyk to a ryng of gold that were in the groyn of a soughe." For right as a soughe wrotheth in everich ordure, so wroteth she hire beautee in the stynkynge ordure of synne. § 9        The second cause that ought make a man to have disdain of sin is this: that, as says Saint Peter, "whosoever that does sin is slave of sin"; and sin puts a man in great slavery. And therefore says the prophet Ezekiel: "I went sorrowful in disdain of myself." Certainly, well ought a man have disdain of sin and withdraw him from that slavery and villainy. And lo, what says Seneca in this matter? He says this: "Though I knew that neither God nor man should never know it, yet would I have disdain for to do sin." And the same Seneca also says, "I am born to greater things than to be a slave to my body, or than to make of my body a slave." Not a fouler slavery can no man and no woman make of his body than to give his body to sin. Although were it the foulest churl or the foulest woman that lives, and least of value, yet is he then more foul and more in servitude. Ever from the higher degree that man falls, the more is he slave, and more to God and to the world vile and abominable. O good God, well ought man have disdain of sin, since that through sin where he was free now is he made bond. And therefore says Saint Augustine: "If thou hast disdain of thy servant, if he do wrong or sin, have thou then disdain that thou thyself should do sin." Have regard for thy value, that thou not be too foul to thyself. Alas, well ought they then have disdain to be servants and slaves to sin, and sorely be ashamed of themselves that God of his endless goodness has set them in high estate, or given them wit, strength of body, health, beauty, prosperity, and bought them from the death with his heart-blood, that they so unkindly, in return for his gentle acts, repay him so villainously to the slaughter of their own souls. O good God, you women that are of so great beauty, remind yourself of the proverb of Solomon. He says, "He compares a fair woman that is a fool of their body as like to a ring of gold that were in the snout of a sow." For right as a sow roots in every ordure, so roots she their beauty in the stinking ordure of sin.

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From The Parson's Tale, paragraph 10:
The third move to contrition, fear of the day of doom