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§ 13 The sixte thyng that oghte moeve a man to contricioun is the hope of three thynges; that is to seyn, foryifnesse of synne, and the yifte to grace wel for to do, and the glorie of hevene, with which God shal gerdone man for his goode dedes. And for as muche as Jhesu Crist yeveth us thise yiftes of his largesse and of his sovereyn bountee, therfore is he cleped Jhesus Nazarenus Rex Judeorum. Jhesus is to seyn saveour or salvacioun, on whom men shul hope to have foryifnesse of synnes, which that is proprely salvacioun of synnes. And terfore seyde the aungel to Joseph, thou shalt clepen his name Jhesus, that shal saven his peple of hir synnes. And heerof seith Seint Peter: "ther is noon oother name under hevene that is yeve to any man, by which a man may be saved, but oonly Jhesus." Nazarenus is as muche for to seye as "florisshynge," in which a man shal hope that he that yeveth hym remissioun of synnes shal yeve hym eek grace wel for to do. For in the flour is hope of fruyt in tyme comynge, and in foryifnesse of synnes hope of grace wel for to do. "I was atte dore of thyn herte," seith Jhesus, "and cleped for to entre. He that openeth to me shal have foryifnesse of synne. I wol entre into hym by my grace, and soupe with hym," by the goode werkes that he shal doon, whiche werkes been the foode of God; "and he shal soupe with me" by the grete joye that I shal yeven hym. Thus shal man hope, for his werkes of penaunce, that God shal yeven hym his regne, as he bihooteth hym in the gospel. | § 13 The sixth thing that ought to move a man to contrition is the hope of three things; that is to say, forgiveness of sin, and the gift of grace in order to do well, and the glory of heaven, with which God shall reward man for his good deeds. And for as much as Jesus Christ gives us these gifts of his generosity and of his perfect goodness, therefore is he called Jesus the Nazarene, king of the Jews. Jesus is to mean "savior" or "salvation," on whom men shall hope to have forgiveness of sins, which is properly salvation of sins. And therefore said the angel to Joseph, "Thou shalt call his name Jesus, that shall save his people of their sins." And hereof says Saint Peter: "There is no other name under heaven that is given to any man, by which a man can be saved, but only Jesus." Nazarenus is as much to say as "flourishing," in which a man shall hope that he that gives him remission of sins shall give him also grace for to do well. For in the flower is hope of fruit in time coming, and in forgiveness of sins hope of grace to do well. "I was at the door of thy heart," says Jesus, "and called to enter. He that opens to me shall have forgiveness of sin. I will enter into him by my grace and sup with him," by the good works that he shall do, which works are the food of God; "and he shall sup with me" by the great joy that I shall give him. Thus shall man hope, for his works of penance that God shall give him his reign, as he promises him in the gospel. |
Next: From The Parson's Tale, paragraph 14-15: Universal and total contrition |