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§ 39 Now certes, sith that sweryng, but if it be lawefully doon, is so heighly deffended, muche worse is forsweryng falsly, and yet nedelees. | § 39 Now certainly, since swearing, unless it be lawfully done, is so highly forbidden, much worse is forswearing falsely, and yet needless. |
§ 40 What seye we eek of hem that deliten hem in sweryng, and holden it a gentrie or a manly dede to swere grete others? And what of hem that of verray usage ne cesse nat to swere grete othes, al be the cause nat worth a straw? Certes, this is horrible synne. Swerynge sodeynly withoute avysement is eek a synne. But lat us go now to thilke horrible sweryng of adjuracioun and conjuracioun, as doon thise false enchauntours or nigromanciens in bacyns ful of water, or in a bright swerd, in a cercle, or in a fir, or in a shulderboon of a sheep. I kan nat seye but that they doon cursedly and dampnably agayns Crist and al the feith of hooly chirche. | § 40 What say we also of them that delight themselves in swearing, and hold it a gentle or a manly deed to swear great oaths? And what of them that of true habit cease not to swear great oaths, even though the cause is not worth a straw? Certainly, this is horrible sin. Swearing suddenly without aforethought is also a sin. But let us go now to this horrible swearing of exorcism and conjuring spirits, as do these false enchanters or necromancers in basins full of water, or in a bright sword, in a circle, or in a fire, or in a shoulder-bone of a sheep. I can not say anything but that they do cursedly and damnably against Christ and all the faith of holy church. |
§ 41 What seye we of hem that bileeven on divynailes, as by flight or by noyse of briddes, or of beestes, or by sort, by nigromancie, by dremes, by chirkynge of dores, or crakkynge of houses, by gnawynge of rattes, and swich manere wrecchednesse? Certes, al this thyng is deffended by God and by hooly chirche. For which they been acursed, til they come to amendement, that on swich filthe setten hire bileeve. Charmes for woundes or maladie of men or of beestes, if they taken any effect, it may be peraventure that God suffreth it, for folk sholden yeve the moore feith and reverence to his name. | § 41 What say we of them that believe in divinations, as by flight or by noise of birds, or of beasts, or by drawing lots, by necromancy, by dreams, by squeaking of doors or creaking of houses, by gnawing of rats, and such sort of wretchedness? Certainly, all this thing is forbidden by God and by holy church. For which they are accursed, until they come to amendment, that on such filth set their belief. Charms for wounds or malady of men or of beasts, if they take any effect, it may be perhaps that God allows it, so that folk should give the more faith and reverence to his name. |
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Next: From The Parson's Tale, paragraph 42-44: About lying, flattering and cursing |
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