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§ 67 Agayns this horrible synne of Accidie, an the branches of the same, ther is a vertu that is called fortitudo or strentthe, that is an affeccioun thurgh which a man despiseth anoyouse thinges. This vertu is so myghty and so vigerous that it dar withstonde myghtily and wisely kepen hymself fro perils that been wikked, and wrastle agayn the assautes of the devel. For it enhaunceth and enforceth the soule, right as Accidie abateth it and maketh it fieble. For this fortitudo may endure by long suffraunce the travailles that been covenable. |
§ 67 Against this horrible sin of Sloth, and the branches of the same, there is a virtue that is called fortitudo or strength, that is an affection through which a man despises harmful things. This virtue is so mighty and so vigorous that it dare withstand mightily and wisely keep himself from perils that are wicked, and wrestle against the assaults of the devil. For it enhances and strengthens the soul, just as Sloth decreases it and makes it feeble. For this fortitudo can endure by long forbearance the travails that are suitable. |
§ 68 This vertu hath manye speces; and the firste is cleped magnanimitee, that is to seyn, greet corage. For certes, ther bihoveth greet corage agains Accidie, lest that it ne swolwe the soule by the synne of sorwe, or destroye it by wanhope. This vertu maketh folk to undertake harde thynges and grevouse thynges, by hir owene wil, wisely and resonably. And for as muchel as the devel fighteth agayns a man moore by queyntise and by sleighte than by strengthe, therfore men shal withstonden hym by wit and by resoun and by discrecioun. Thanne arn ther the vertues of feith and hope in God and in his seintes, to acheve and acomplice the goode werkes in the whiche he purposeth fermely to continue. Thanne comth seuretee or sikernesse; and that is whan a man ne douteth no travaille in tyme comynge of the goode werkes that a man hath bigonne. Thanne comth magnificence, that is to seyn, whan a man dooth and perfourneth grete werkes of goodnesse; and that is the ende why that men sholde do goode werkes, for in the acomplissynge of grete goode werkes lith the grete gerdoun. Thanne is ther constaunce, that is, stablenesse of corage; and this sholde been in herte by stedefast feith, and in mouth, and in berynge, and in chiere, and in dede. Eke ther been mo speciale remedies against Accidie in diverse werkes, and in consideracioun of the peynes of helle and of the joyes of hevene, and in the trust of the grace of the holy goost, that wole yeve hym myght to perfourne his goode entente. | § 68 This virtue has many species; and the first is called magnanimity, that is to say, great valor. For certainly, great valor is needed against Sloth, lest that it swallow the soul by the sin of sorrow, or destroy it by despair. This virtue makes people to undertake hard things and grievous things, by their own will, wisely and reasonably. And forasmuch as the devil fights against a man more by ingenuity and by trickery than by strength, therefore men must withstand him by wit and by reason and by discretion. Then are there the virtues of faith and hope in God and in his saints to achieve and accomplish the good works in the which he plans firmly to continue. Then comes security or self-confidence, and that is when a man fears no suffering in time coming of the good works that a man has begun. Then comes magnificence; that is to say, when a man does and performs great works of goodness; and that is the reason why men should do good works, for in the accomplishing of great good works lies the great reward. Then is there constancy, that is stableness of determination, and this should be in heart by steadfast faith, and in mouth, and in bearing, and in appearance, and in deed. Also there are mo special remedies against Sloth in diverse works, and in consideration of the pains of hell and of the joys of heaven, and in the trust of the grace of the Holy Ghost, that will give him might to perform his good intent. |
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Next: From The Parson's Tale, paragraph 69-72: About Avarice and Greed |
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