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§ 76 After Avarice comth Glotonye, which is expres eek agayn the comandement of God. Glotonye is unmesurable appetit to ete or to drynke, or elles to doon ynogh to the unmesurable appetit and desordeynee coveitise to eten or to drynke. This synne corrumped al this world, as is wel shewed in the synne of Adam and of Eve. Looke eek what seith Seint Paul, of Glotonye: "Manye," seith Seint Paul, goon, of whiche I have ofte seyd to yow, and now I seye it wepynge, that been the enemys of the croys of Crist; of whiche the ende is deeth, and of whiche hire wombe is hire God, and hire glorie in confusioun of hem that so savouren erthely thynges. He that is usaunt to this synne of Glotonye, he ne may no synne withstonde. He moot been in servage of alle vices, for it is the develes hoord ther he hideth hym and resteth. This synne hath manye speces. The firste is dronkenesse, that is the horrible sepulture of mannes resoun; and therfore, whan a man is dronken, he hath lost his resoun; and this is deedly synne. But soothly, whan that a man is nat wont to strong drynke, and peraventure ne knoweth nat the strengthe of the drynke, or hath feblesse in his heed, or hath travailed, thurgh which he drynketh the moore, al be he sodeynly caught with drynke, it is no deedly synne, but venyal. The seconde spece of Glotonye is that the spirit of a man wexeth al trouble, for dronkenesse bireveth hym the discrecioun of his wit. The thridde spece of Glotonye is whan a man devoureth his mete, and hath no rightful manere of etynge. The fourthe is whan, thurgh the grete habundaunce of his mete, the humours in his body been distempred. The fifthe is foryetelnesse by to muchel drynkynge; for which somtymee a man foryeteth er the morwe what he dide at even, or on the nyght biforn. |
§ 76 After Avarice comes Gluttony, which is also clearly against the commandment of God. Gluttony is immoderate appetite to eat or to drink, or else to give enough to the immoderate appetite and excessive covetousness to eat or to drink. This sin corrupted all this world, as is well shown in the sin of Adam and of Eve. Note also what says Saint Paul of Gluttony: "Many," says Saint Paul, "go, of which I have often said to you, and now I say it weeping, that are the enemies of the cross of Christ; of which the end is death, and of which their belly is their god, and their glory in ruin of them that so savor earthly things." He that is accustomed to this sin of gluttony, he can no sin withstand. He must be in bondage to all vices, for it is the devil's hiding place where he hides himself and rests. This sin has many species. The first is drunkenness, that is the horrible sepulcher of man's reason; and therefore, when a man is drunk, he has lost his reason; and this is deadly sin. But truly, when a man is not accustomed to strong drink, and perhaps knows not the strength of the drink, or has feebleness in his head, or has labored, through which he drinks the more, although he be suddenly caught with drink, it is no deadly sin, but venial. The second species of gluttony is that the spirit of a man waxes all troubled, for drunkenness takes away from him the discretion of his wit. The third species of gluttony is when a man devours his food and has no reasonable manner of eating. The fourth is when, through the great abundance of his food, the humors in his body are out of balance. The fifth is forgetfulness because of too much drinking, for which sometimes a man forgets ere the morning what he did at evening, or on the night before. |
§ 77 In oother manere been distinct the speces of Glotonye, after Seint Gregorie. The firste is for to ete biforn tyme to ete. The seconde is whan a man get hym to delicaat mete or drynke. The thridde is whan men taken to muche over mesure. The fourthe is curiositee, with greet entente to maken and apparaillen his mete. The fifthe is for to eten to gredily. Thise been the fyve fyngres of the develes hand, by whiche he draweth folk to synne. | § 77 In another manner the species of Gluttony are differentiated, according to Saint Gregory. The first is to eat before time to eat. The second is when a man gets himself too delicate food or drink. The third is when men take too much beyond moderation. The fourth is elaborate preparation, with great intent to prepare and adorn his food. The fifth is to eat too greedily. These are the five fingers of the devils hand, by which he draws folk to sin. |
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Next: From The Parson's Tale, paragraph 78-79: The remedy against the sin of Gluttony |
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