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§ 80 After Glotonye thanne comth Lecherie, for thise two synnes been so ny cosyns that ofte tyme they wol nat departe. God woot, this synne is ful displesaunt thyng to God; for he seyde hymself, "do no lecherie." And therfore he putte grete peynes agayns this synne in the olde lawe. If womman thral were taken in this synne, she sholde be beten with staves to the deeth; and if she were a gentil womman, she sholde be slayn with stones; and if she were a bisshoppes doghter, she sholde been brent, by Goddes comandement. Forther over, by the synne of lecherie God dreynte al the world at the diluge. And after that he brente fyve citees with thonder-leyt, and sak hem into helle. |
§ 80 After Gluttony then comes Lechery, for these two sins are so near cousins that oftentimes they will not separate. God knows, this sin is a very displeasing thing to God, for he said himself, "Do no lechery." And therefore he put great pains against this sin in the old law. If bond-woman were taken in this sin, she should be beaten with staves to the death; and if she were a gentle woman, she should be slain with stones; and if she were a bishop's daughter, she should be burned, by God's commandment. Furthermore, because of the sin of lechery God drowned all the world at the deluge. And after that he burned five cities with lightening bolts, and sank them into hell. |
§ 81 Now lat us speke thanne of thilke stynkynge synne of lecherie that men clepe avowtrie of wedded folk, that is to seyn, if that oon of hem be wedded, or elles bothe. Seint John seith that avowtiers shullen been in helle, in a stank brennynge of fyr and of brymston; in fyr, for hire lecherye; in brymston, for the stynk of hire ordure. Certes, the brekynge of this sacrement is an horrible thyng. It was maked of God hymself in paradys, and confermed by Jhesu Crist, as witnesseth Seint Mathew in the gospel: "a man shal lete fader and mooder, and taken hym to his wif, and they shullen be two in o flesh." This sacrement bitokneth the knyttynge togidre of Crist and of hooly chirche. And nat oonly that God forbad avowtrie in dede, but eek he comanded that thou sholdest nat coveite thy neighebores wyf. "In this heeste," seith Seint Augustyn,"is forboden alle manere coveitise to doon lecherie." Lo, what seith Seint Mathew in the gospel, that whose seeth a womman to coveitise of his lust, he hath doon lecherie with hire in his herte. Heere may ye seen that nat oonly the dede of this synne is forboden, but eek the desire to doon that synne. This cursed synne anoyeth grevousliche hem that it haunten. And first to hire soule, for he obligeth it to synne and to peyne of deeth that is perdurable. Unto the body anoyeth it grevously also, for it dreyeth hym, and wasteth him, and shent hym, and of his blood he maketh sacrifice to the feend of helle. It wasteth eek his catel and his substaunce. And certes, if it be a foul thyng a man to waste his catel on wommen, yet is it a fouler thyng whan that, for swich ordure, wommen dispenden upon men hir catel and substaunce. This synne, as seith the prophete, bireveth man and womman hir goode fame and al hire honour; and it is ful plesaunt to the devel, for therby wynneth he the mooste partie of this world. And right as a marchant deliteth hym moost in chaffare that he hath moost avantage of, right so deliteth the fend in this ordure. | § 81 Now let us speak then of that stinking sin of Lechery that men call adultery of married people, that is to say, if that one of them is married, or else both. Saint John says that adulterers shall be in hell, in a pool burning of fire and of brimstone, in fire for their lechery, in brimstone for the stink of their filth. Certainly, the breaking of this sacrament is a horrible thing. It was made by God himself in paradise, and confirmed by Jesus Christ, as witnesses Saint Matthew in the gospel: "A man shall leave father and mother and give himself to his wife, and they shall be two in one flesh." This sacrament betokens the knitting together of Christ and of holy church. And not only that God forbad adultery in deed, but also he commanded that thou shouldest not covet thy neighbour's wife. "In this commandment," says Saint Augustine, "is forbidden all sorts of desire to do lechery." Lo, what says Saint Matthew in the gospel, that "whosoever sees a woman to desire for his lust, he has done lechery with her in his heart." Here may you see that not only the deed of this sin is forbidden, but also the desire to do that sin. This cursed sin annoys grievously them that practice it. And first to their soul, for he obligates it to sin and to pain of death that is eternal. Unto the body annoys it grievously also, for it dries it, and wastes it, and ruins it, and of his blood he makes sacrifice to the fiend of hell. It wastes also his cattle and his substance. And certainly, if it is a foul thing for a man to waste his possessions on women, yet is it a fouler thing when, for such filth, women spend upon men their possessions and substance. This sin, as says the prophet, takes away from man and woman their good fame and all their honour, and it is very pleasant to the devil, for thereby wins he the most part of this world. And just as a merchant delights himself most in business that he has most advantage of, just so delights the fiend in this filth. |
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Next: From The Parson's Tale, paragraph 82: The ways of the devil to tempt a person to lust |
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