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From The Physician's Tale, lines 72-104:
A note on how to raise children
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Physician's Tale
lines 105-117: The virtue and goodness of the knight's daughter

105        This mayde, of which I wol this tale expresse,
So kepte hirself, hir neded no maistresse.
For in hir lyvyng maydens myghten rede,
As in a book, every good word or dede
That longeth to a mayden vertuous,
110She was so prudent and so bountevous.
For which the fame out-sprong on every syde
Bothe of hir beautee and hir bountee wyde,
That thurgh that land they preised hire echone
That loved vertu; save encye allone,
115That sory is of oother mennes wele,
And glad is of his sorwe and his unheele.
(The doctour maketh this descripcioun.)
105        This virgin, of whom I do this praise express,
Guarded herself, nor needed governess;
For in her daily life all maids might read,
As in a book, every good word or deed
That might become a virgin virtuous;
110She was so prudent and so bounteous.
From all this grew the fame on every side
Of both her beauty and her goodness wide;
Throughout that land they praised her, every one
That virtue loved; and Envy stood alone,
115That sorry is when others live in weal
And for their woe will ever gladness feel.
(Doctor Augustine's are these words, I own).

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From The Physician's Tale, lines 118-148:
A conspiracy to acquire the knight's daughter