Oure firste foo, the serpent Sathanas, |
| That hath in Jewes herte his waspes nest, |
| Up swal, and seyde, "O Hebrayk peple, allas, |
| Is this to yow a thyng that is honest, |
110 | That swich a boy shal walken as hym lest |
| In youre despit, and synge of swich sentence, |
| Which is agayn oure lawes reverence?" |
| Our primal foe, the serpent Sathanas, |
| Who has in Jewish heart his hornets' nest, |
| Swelled arrogantly: "O Jewish folk, alas! |
| Is it to you a good thing, and the best, |
110 | That such a boy walks here, without protest, |
| In your despite and doing such offense |
| Against the teachings that you reverence?" |