| Free was daun John, and manly of dispence, |
| As in that hous, and ful of diligence |
45 | To doon plesaunce, and also greet costage. |
| He noght forgat to yeve the leeste page |
| In al that hous; but after hir degree, |
| He yaf the lord, and sitthe al his meynee, |
| Whan that he cam, som manere honest thyng, |
50 | For which they were as glad of his comyng |
| As fowel is fayn whan that the sonne up riseth. |
| Na moore of this as now, for it suffiseth. |
Free was Don John with money and expense |
| When in that house; and full of diligence |
45 | To please all there, whatever be his age. |
| He ne'er forgot to tip the humblest page |
| In all that house; according to degree |
| He gave the master, then the company, |
| Whene'er he came, some kind of honest thing; |
50 | For which they were as glad of his coming |
| As bird is glad when the new sun up-rises. |
| No more of all this now, for it suffices. |