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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Squire's Introduction
lines 1-8: Introduction

      "Squier, come neer, if it your wille be,
And sey somwhat of love, for certes, ye
Konnen theron as muche as any man."
      "Nay sir," quod he, "but I wol seye as I kan,
5With hertly wyl, for I wol nat rebelle
Agayn your lust. A tale wol I telle,
Have me excused if I speke amys;
My wyl is good, and lo, my tale is this."
      "Squire, come nearer, if your will it be,
And speak to us of love; for certainly
You know thereof as much as any man."
      "Nay, sir," said he, "but I'll do what I can
5With hearty will; for I will not rebel
Against your wishes, but a tale will tell.
Hold me excused if I say aught amiss,
My aim is good, and lo, my tale is this."

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From The Squire's Tale, lines 9-41:
King Cambinskan and his family