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From The Squire's Tale, lines 305-346:
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Squire's Tale
lines 347-392: Canace rises early and goes for a walk in the park

Sequitur pars secunda
(Here follows the second part)

      The norice of digestioun, the sleep,
Gan on hem wynke, and bad hem taken keep,
That muchel drynke and labour wolde han reste;
350And with a galpyng mouth hem alle he keste,
And seyde that it was tyme to lye adoun,
For blood was in his domynacioun.
'Cherisseth blood, natures freend,' quod he.
They thanken hym, galpynge, by two, by thre,
355And every wight gan drawe hym to his reste,
As sleep hem bad; they tooke it for the beste.
      Hir dremes shul nat been ytoold for me;
Ful were hir heddes of fumositee,
That causeth dreem, of which ther nys no charge.
360They slepen til that it was pryme large,
The mooste part, but it were Canacee;
She was ful mesurable, as wommen be.
For of hir fader hadde she take leve
To goon to reste, soone after it was eve.
365Hir liste nat appalled for to be,
Ne on the morwe unfeestlich for to se:
And slepte hir firste sleepe, and thanne awook;
For swich a joye she in hir herte took,
Bothe of hir queynte ryng and hire mirour,
370That twenty tyme she changed hir colour,
And in hire sleep right for impressioun
Of hire mirrour she hadde a visioun.
Wherfore, er that the sonne gan up glyde,
She cleped on hir maistresse, hir bisyde,
375And seyde, that hir liste for to ryse.
      The nurse of good digestion, natural sleep,
Caused them to nod, and bade them they take keep
That labour and much drinking must have rest;
350And with a gaping mouth all these he pressed,
And said that it was time they laid them down,
For blood was in the ascendant, as was shown,
And nature's friend, the blood, must honoured be.
They thanked him, gaping all, by two, by three,
355And every one began to go to rest,
As sleep them bade; they took it for the best.
      But here their dreams shall not by me be said;
The fumes of wine had filled each person's head,
Which cause senseless dreams at any time.
360They slept next morning till the hour of prime,
That is, the others, but not Canace;
She was right temperate, as women be.
For of her father had she taken leave,
To go to rest, soon after it was eve;
365For neither pale nor languid would she be,
Nor wear a weary look for men to see;
But slept her first deep sleep and then awoke.
For so much joy upon her heart there broke
When she looked on the mirror and the ring
370That twenty times she flushed, and sleep did bring-
So strong an impress had the mirror made-
A vision of it to the slumbering maid.
Wherefore, ere up the sun began to glide,
She called her mistress, sleeping there beside,
375And said to her that she was pleased to rise.
      Thise olde wommen that been gladly wyse,
As hir maistresse answerde hir anon,
And seyde, "Madame, whider wil ye goon
Thus erly, for the folk been alle on reste?"
380      "I wol," quod she, "arise, for me leste
No lenger for to slepe; and walke aboute."
Hir maistresse clepeth wommen a greet route,
And up they rysen wel an ten or twelve.
Up riseth fresshe Canacee hirselve,
385As rody and bright as dooth the yonge sonne,
That in the Ram is foure degrees upronne,
Noon hyer was he, whan she redy was;
And forth she walketh esily a pas,
Arrayed after the lusty seson soote,
390Lightly for to pleye and walke on foote,
Nat but with fyve or sixe of hir meynee;
And in a trench forth in the park gooth she.
      Old women like this governess are wise,
Or often so, and she replied anon,
And said: "My lady, where will you be gone
Thus early? For the folk are all at rest."
380      "I will," said she, "arise, for I've no zest
For longer sleep, and I will walk about."
Her mistress called of women a great rout,
And they rose up, a dozen more or less,
And up rose lovely Canace to dress,
385As ruddy and bright as is the warm young sun
That in the Ram now four degrees has run;
He was no higher when she all ready was;
And forth she sauntered at an easy pace,
Arrayed according to the season sweet,
390Lightly, to play and walk on maiden feet;
With five or six girls of her company
All down an alley, through the park, went she.

Next Next:
From The Squire's Tale, lines 393-408:
The scenery and subject of this tale