45 |
Lordynges, ther is in Yorkshire, as I gesse, |
| A mersshy contree called Holdernesse, |
| In which ther wente a lymytour aboute, |
| To preche, and eek to begge, it so no doute. |
| And so bifel that on a day this frere |
50 | Hadde preched at a chirche in his manere, |
| And specially, aboven every thyng, |
| Excited he the peple in his prechyng |
| To trentals, and to yeve, for Goddes sake, |
| Wherwith men myghte hooly houses make, |
55 | Ther as divine servyce is honoured, |
| Nat ther as it is wasted and devoured, |
| Ne ther it nedeth nat for to be yive, |
| As to possessioners, that mowen lyve, |
| Thanked be God, in wele and habundaunce. |
60 | "Trentals," seyde he, "deliveren fro penaunce |
| Hir freendes soules, as wel olde as yonge, - |
| Ye, whan that they been hastily ysonge, |
| Nat for to holde a preest holy and gay - |
| He syngeth nat but o masse in a day. |
65 | Delivereth out," quod he, "anon the soules! |
| Ful hard it is with flesshhook or with oules |
| To been yclawed, or to brenne or bake. |
| Now spede yow hastily, for Cristes sake!" |
| And whan this frere had seyd al his entente, |
70 | With qui cum patre forth his wey he wente. |
45 | Masters, there is in Yorkshire, as I guess, |
| A marshy region that's called Holderness, |
| Wherein there went a limiter about |
| To preach, and to beg too, beyond a doubt. |
| And so it happened that on a day this friar |
50 | Had preached in church in his own manner dire, |
| And specially, and above everything, |
| Incited he the people, by preaching, |
| To trentals, and to give, for God's own sake, |
| The means wherewith men might new churches make, |
55 | That there the services of God might flower, |
| And not to them who waste and wealth devour, |
| Nor where there's no necessity to give, |
| As to the monks, who easily may live - |
| Thanks be to God!- and need no wealth to gain. |
60 | "Trentals," said he, "deliver from their pain |
| The souls of friends who're dead, the old and young, |
| Yea, even when they have been hastily sung; |
| Not that I hold as frivolous and gay, |
| A priest who only sings one mass a day. |
65 | "Act quickly now," said he, "their souls redeem, |
| For hard it is, with spikes and hooks, I deem, |
| To be so torn, aye, or to burn or bake; |
| Now speed you all to this, for Christ's own sake!" |
| And when this friar had said all that he meant, |
70 | With cui cum patre on his way he went. |