265 |
My thynketh they been lyk Jovinyan, |
| Fat as a whale, and walkynge as a swan, |
| Al vinolent as botel in the spence. |
| Hir preyere is of ful greet reverence, |
| Whan they for soules seye the psalm of Davit; |
270 | Lo, 'buf!' they seye, 'cor meum eructavit!' |
| Who folweth Cristes gospel and his foore, |
| But we that humble been, and chaast, and poore, |
| Werkeris of Goddes word, nat auditours? |
| Therfore, right as an hauk up at a sours |
275 | Up springeth into th'eir, right so prayeres |
| Of charitable and chaste bisy freres |
| Maken hir sours to Goddes eres two. |
| Thomas! Thomas! So moote I ryde or go, |
| And by that lord that clepid is seint Yve, |
280 | Nere thou oure brother, sholdestou nat thryve. |
| In our chapitre prayer we day and nyght |
| To Crist, that he thee sende heele and myght |
| Thy body for to weelden hastily." |
265 | It seems to me they're like Jovinian, |
| Fat as a whale and waddling as a swan; |
| As full of wine as bottle in the spence. |
| Their prayers are always of great reverence, |
| When they for souls that psalm of David say: |
270 | Cor meum eructavit- bouf!'- that way! |
| Who follow Christ's Word going on before |
| But we who are so humble, chaste, and poor, |
| And doers of God's Word, not hearers, merely? |
| As falcons rise to heaven, just so clearly |
275 | Spring up into the air the holy prayers |
| Of charitable and chaste and toiling friars |
| Make their way upward into God's ears two. |
| Thomas, O Thomas! As I ride or go, |
| And by that lord whom all we call Saint Yve, |
280 | Were you not brother to us, you'd not thrive! |
| In our chapter we pray both day and night |
| To Christ, that He will send you health and might |
| To move about again, and speedily." |