Thou seyst also, that if we make us gay |
| With clothyng and with precious array, |
345 | That it is peril of oure chastitee: |
| And yet, with sorwe, thou most enforce thee, |
| And seye thise wordes in the Apostles name, |
| "In habit, maad with chastitee and shame, |
| Ye wommen shul apparaille yow," quod he, |
350 | "And noght in tressed heer and gay perree, |
| As perles, ne with gold, ne clothes riche." |
| After thy text, ne after thy rubriche |
| I wol nat wirche, as muchel as a gnat! |
| You say, also, that if we make us gay |
| With clothing, all in costliest array, |
345 | That it's a danger to our chastity; |
| And you must back the saying up, pardie! |
| Repeating these words in the apostle's name: |
| "In habits meet for chastity, not shame, |
| Your women shall be garmented," said he, |
350 | "And not with broidered hair, or jewellery, |
| Or pearls, or gold, or costly gowns and chic;" |
| After your text and after your rubric |
| I will not follow more than would a gnat. |