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From The Canon's Yeoman's Tale, lines 549-586:
The canon calls for some quicksilver and says he will turn it to silver
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Canon's Yeoman's Tale
lines 587-602: The materials are brought in and the canon begins his work

       Al as he bad fulfilled was in dede.
This ilke servant anonright out yede
And his maister shette the dore anon,
590And to hire labour spedily the gon.
This preest, at this cursed chanons biddyng,
Upon the fir anon sette this thyng,
And blew the fir, and bisyed hym ful faste.
And this chanoun into the crosselet caste
595A poudre, noot I wherof that it was
Ymaad, outher of chalk, outher of glas,
Or somwhat elles, was nat worth a flye,
To blynde with this preest; and bad hym hye
The coles for to couchen al above
600The crosselet. "For in tokenyng I thee love,"
Quod this chanoun, "thyne owene handes two
Shul werche al thyng which that shal heer be do."
       All was then done as canon had decreed;
This servant took himself straight out, indeed,
Whereat his master barred the door anon,
590And to their labour quickly they were gone.
The priest, at this damned canon's ordering,
Upon the fire anon did set this thing,
And blew the fire and busied him full fast;
Within the crucible the canon cast
595A powder, I know not whereof it was
Compounded, whether of chalk, or maybe glass,
Or something else - it was not worth a fly
To blind the priest with; and he bade him high
The coals to pile the crucible above.
600"In token of how much I bear you love,"
This canon said, "your own two hands, and none
Other, shall do this thing that shall be done."

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From The Canon's Yeoman's Tale, lines 603-622:
The canon's trick