"By oure Lady," quod this chanon, "it is deere, |
| I warne yow wel; for save I and a frere, |
| In Engelond ther kan no man it make." |
| "No fors," quod he, "now, sire, for Goddes sake, |
805 | What shal I paye? Telleth me, I preye." |
| "Ywis," quod he, it is ful deere, I seye. |
| Sire, at o word, if that thee list it have, |
| Ye shul paye fourty pound, so God me save! |
| And nere the freendshipe that ye dide er this |
810 | To me, ye sholde paye moore, ywis." |
"By 'r Lady," said this canon, "it is dear, |
| I warn you well; for now in England here |
| One friar and I are all who can it make." |
| "No matter," said he, "now, sir, for God's sake, |
805 | What shall I pay? Oh, tell me this, I pray!" |
| "Truly," said he, "it is right dear, I say; |
| Sir, in one word, if this thing you will have, |
| You shall pay forty pounds, so God me save! |
| And were it not for friendship shown before this |
810 | To me, you should pay more than that, ywis." |