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And whan that Pandare herde hir name nevene, | |
Lord, he was glad, and seyde, `Freend so dere, | |
Now fare aright, for Joves name in hevene, | |
Love hath biset the wel, be of good chere; | |
880 | For of good name and wysdom and manere |
She hath ynough, and eek of gentilesse; | |
If she be fayr, thou wost thyself, I gesse, |
`Ne I never saw a more bountevous | |
Of hir estat, ne a gladder, ne of speche | |
885 | A freendlier, ne a more gracious |
For to do wel, ne lasse hadde nede to seche | |
What for to doon; and al this bet to eche, | |
In honour, to as fer as she may strecche, | |
A kinges herte semeth by hirs a wrecche. |
890 | `And for thy loke of good comfort thou be; |
For certeinly, the firste poynt is this | |
Of noble corage and wel ordeyne, | |
A man to have pees with himself, ywis; | |
So oughtest thou, for nought but good it is | |
895 | To loven wel, and in a worthy place; |
Thee oghte not to clepe it hap, but grace. |
`And also thenk, and therwith glade thee, | |
That sith thy lady vertuous is al, | |
So folweth it that ther is som pitee | |
900 | Amonges alle thise othere in general; |
And for thy see that thou, in special, | |
Requere nought that is ayein hir name; | |
For vertue streccheth not himself to shame. |
`But wel is me that ever that I was born, | |
905 | That thou biset art in so good a place; |
For by my trouthe, in love I dorste have sworn, | |
Thee sholde never han tid thus fayr a grace; | |
And wostow why? For thou were wont to chace | |
At Love in scorn, and for despyt him calle | |
910 | "Seynt Idiot, lord of thise foles alle." |
`How often hastow maad thy nyce japes, | |
And seyd, that loves servants everichone | |
Of nycetee been verray goddes apes; | |
And some wolde monche hir mete alone, | |
915 | Ligging a-bedde, and make hem for to grone; |
And som, thou seydest, hadde a blaunche fevere, | |
And preydest God he sholde never kevere. |
`And som of hem tok on hem, for the colde, | |
More than ynough, so seydestow ful ofte; | |
920 | And som han feyned ofte tyme, and tolde |
How that they wake, whan they slepen softe; | |
And thus they wolde han brought hemself a-lofte, | |
And nathelees were under at the laste; | |
Thus seydestow, and japedest ful faste. |
925 | `Yet seydestow, that, for the more part, |
These loveres wolden speke in general, | |
And thoughten that it was a siker art, | |
For fayling, for to assayen overal. | |
Now may I jape of thee, if that I shal! | |
930 | But nathelees, though that I sholde deye, |
That thou art noon of tho, that dorste I seye. |
`Now beet thy brest, and sey to God of love, | |
"Thy grace, lord! For now I me repente | |
If I mis spak, for now myself I love:" | |
935 | Thus sey with al thyn herte in good entente.' |
Quod Troilus, `A! Lord! I me consente, | |
And prey to thee my japes thou foryive, | |
And I shal nevermore whyl I live.' |
`Thou seyst wel,' quod Pandare, `and now I hope | |
940 | That thou the goddes wrathe hast al apesed; |
And sithen thou hast wepen many a drope, | |
And seyd swich thing wherwith thy god is plesed, | |
Now wolde never God but thou were esed; | |
And think wel, she of whom rist al thy wo | |
945 | Hereafter may thy comfort been also. |
`For thilke ground, that bereth the wedes wikke, | |
Bereth eek thise holsom herbes, as ful ofte | |
Next the foule netle, rough and thikke, | |
The rose waxeth swote and smothe and softe; | |
950 | And next the valey is the hil alofte; |
And next the derke night the glade morwe; | |
And also joye is next the fyn of sorwe. |
`Now loke that atempre be thy brydel, | |
And, for the beste, ay suffre to the tyde, | |
955 | Or elles al our labour is on ydel; |
He hasteth wel that wysly can abyde; | |
Be diligent, and trewe, and ay wel hyde. | |
Be lusty, free, persevere in thy servyse, | |
And al is wel, if thou werke in this wyse. |
960 | `But he that parted is in every place |
Is no-wher hool, as writen clerkes wyse; | |
What wonder is, though swich oon have no grace? | |
Eek wostow how it fareth of som servyse? | |
As plaunte a tre or herbe, in sondry wyse, | |
965 | And on the morwe pulle it up as blyve, |
No wonder is, though it may never thryve. |
`And sith that God of love hath thee bistowed | |
In place digne unto thy worthynesse, | |
Stond faste, for to good port hastow rowed; | |
970 | And of thyself, for any hevynesse, |
Hope alwey wel; for, but-if drerinesse | |
Or over-haste our bothe labour shende, | |
I hope of this to maken a good ende. |
`And wostow why I am the lasse a-fered | |
975 | Of this matere with my nece trete? |
For this have I herd seyd of wyse y-lered, | |
"Was never man ne woman yet bigete | |
That was unapt to suffren loves hete, | |
Celestial, or elles love of kinde;" | |
980 | Forthy som grace I hope in hir to finde. |
`And for to speke of hir in special, | |
Hir beautee to bithinken and hir youthe, | |
It sit hir nought to be celestial | |
As yet, though that hir liste bothe and couthe; | |
985 | But trewely, it sete hir wel right nouthe |
A worthy knight to loven and cheryce, | |
And but she do, I holde it for a vyce. |
`Wherfore I am, and wol be, ay redy | |
To peyne me to do yow this servyse; | |
990 | For bothe yow to plese thus hope I |
Herafterward; for ye beth bothe wyse, | |
And konne it counseil kepe in swich a wyse | |
That no man shal the wyser of it be; | |
And so we may be gladed alle three. |
995 | `And, by my trouthe, I have right now of thee |
A good conceyt in my wit, as I gesse, | |
And what it is, I wol now that thou see. | |
I thenke, sith that love, of his goodnesse, | |
Hath thee converted out of wikkednesse, | |
1000 | That thou shalt be the beste post, I leve, |
Of al his lay, and most his foos to greve. |
`Ensample why, see now these wyse clerkes, | |
That erren aldermost ayein a lawe, | |
And ben converted from hir wikked werkes | |
1005 | Thorugh grace of god, that list hem to him drawe, |
Than arn they folk that han most God in awe, | |
And strengest-feythed been, I understonde, | |
And conne an errour alderbest withstonde.' |
Next: From Troilus and Criseyde, Book I, lines 1009-1092: Pandarus offers Troilus his help |