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From Troilus and Criseyde, Book II, lines 1247-1295:
Criseyde says to Pandarus that she loves Troilus, but she wants to stay free
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Geoffrey Chaucer (1342 - 1400):
Troilus and Criseyde
Book II, lines 1296-1351: Troilus reads Criseyde's letter and his love increases

But Pandarus thoughte, `It shal not be so,
If that I may; this nyce opinioun
Shal not be holden fully yeres two.'
What sholde I make of this a long sermoun?
1300He moste assente on that conclusioun,
As for the tyme; and whan that it was eve,
And al was wel, he roos and took his leve.

And on his wey ful faste homward he spedde,
And right for joye he felte his herte daunce;
1305And Troilus he fond alone a-bedde,
That lay as dooth these loveres, in a traunce,
Bitwixen hope and derk desesperaunce.
But Pandarus, right at his in-cominge,
He song, as who seyth, `Lo! Sumwhat I bringe,'

1310And seyde, `Who is in his bed so sone
Yburied thus?' `It am I, freend,' quod he.
`Who, Troilus? Nay, helpe me so the mone,'
Quod Pandarus, `Thou shalt aryse and see
A charme that was sent right now to thee,
1315The which can helen thee of thyn accesse,
If thou do forth-with al thy besinesse.'

`Ye, through the might of God!' quod Troilus.
And Pandarus gan him the lettre take,
And seyde, `Pardee, God hath holpen us;
1320Have here a light, and loke on al this blake.'
But ofte gan the herte glade and quake
Of Troilus, whyl that he gan it rede,
So as the wordes yave him hope or drede.

But fynally, he took al for the beste
1325That she him wroot, for somwhat he biheld
On which, him thoughte, he mighte his herte reste,
Al covered she the wordes under sheld.
Thus to the more worthy part he held,
That, what for hope and Pandarus biheste,
1330His grete wo foryede he at the leste.

But as we may alday ourselven see,
Through more wode or col, the more fyr;
Right so encrees hope, of what it be,
Therwith ful ofte encreseth eek desyr;
1335Or, as an ook cometh of a litel spyr,
So through this lettre, which that she him sente,
Encresen gan desyr, of which he brente.

Wherfore I seye alwey, that day and night
This Troilus gan to desiren more
1340Than he dide erst, thurgh hope, and dide his might
To pressen on, as by Pandarus lore,
And wryten to hir of his sorwes sore
Fro day to day; he leet it not refreyde,
That by Pandare he wroot somwhat or seyde;

1345And dide also his othere observaunces
That to a lovere longeth in this cas;
And, after that these dees turnede on chaunces,
So was he outher glad or seyde `Allas!'
And held after his gestes ay his pas;
1350And aftir swich answeres as he hadde,
So were his dayes sory outher gladde.

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From Troilus and Criseyde, Book II, lines 1352-1400:
Pandarus says he will ask Troilus' brother Deiphebus for help