| `Now lat me allone, and werken as I may,' |
| Quod he; and to Deiphebus wente he tho |
| Which hadde his lord and grete freend ben ay; |
| Save Troilus, no man he lovede so. |
1405 | To telle in short, withouten wordes mo, |
| Quod Pandarus, `I pray yow that ye be |
| Freend to a cause which that toucheth me.' |
| `Yis, pardee,' quod Deiphebus, `wel thow woost, |
| In al that ever I may, and God tofore, |
1410 | Al nere it but for man I love moost, |
| My brother Troilus; but sey wherfore |
| It is; for sith that day that I was bore, |
| I nas, ne never-mo to been I thinke, |
| Ayeins a thing that mighte thee forthinke.' |
1415 | Pandare gan him thonke, and to him seyde, |
| `Lo, sire, I have a lady in this toun, |
| That is my nece, and called is Criseyde, |
| Which some men wolden doon oppressioun, |
| And wrongfully have hir possessioun: |
1420 | Wherfor I of your lordship yow biseche |
| To been our freend, withoute more speche.' |
| Deiphebus him answerde, `O, is not this, |
| That thow spekest of to me thus straungely, |
| Criseyda, my freend?' He seyde, `Yis.' |
1425 | `Than nedeth,' quod Deiphebus, `hardily, |
| Namore to speke, for trusteth wel, that I |
| Wol be hir champioun with spore and yerde; |
| I roughte nought though alle hir foos it herde. |
| `But tel me how, thou that woost al this matere, |
1430 | How I might best avaylen? Now lat see.' |
| Quod Pandarus; `If ye, my lord so dere, |
| Wolden as now don this honour to me, |
| To preyen hir to-morwe, lo, that she |
| Come unto yow hir pleyntes to devyse, |
1435 | Hir adversaries wolde of it agryse. |
| `And if I more dorste preye as now, |
| And chargen yow to have so greet travayle, |
| To han som of your bretheren here with yow, |
| That mighten to hir cause bet avayle, |
1440 | Than, woot I wel, she mighte never fayle |
| For to be holpen, what at your instaunce, |
| What with hir othere freendes governaunce.' |
| Deiphebus, which that comen was, of kinde, |
| To al honour and bountee to consente, |
1445 | Answerde, `It shal be doon; and I can finde |
| Yet gretter help to this in myn entente. |
| What wolt thow seyn, if I for Eleyne sente |
| To speke of this? I trowe it be the beste; |
| For she may leden Paris as hir leste. |
1450 | `Of Ector, which that is my lord, my brother, |
| It nedeth nought to preye him freend to be; |
| For I have herd him, o tyme and eek other, |
| Speke of Criseyde swich honour, that he |
| May seyn no bet, swich hap to him hath she. |
1455 | It nedeth nought his helpes for to crave; |
| He shal be swich, right as we wole him have. |
| `Spek thou thyself also to Troilus |
| On my bihalve, and pray him with us dyne.' |
| `Sire, al this shal be doon,' quod Pandarus; |
1460 | And took his leve, and never gan to fyne, |
| But to his neces hous, as streyt as lyne, |
| He com; and fond hir fro the mete aryse; |
| And sette him doun, and spak right in this wyse. |
| He seyde, `O verray God, so have I ronne! |
1465 | Lo, nece myn, see ye nought how I swete? |
| I noot whether ye the more thank me conne. |
| Be ye nought war how that fals Poliphete |
| Is now aboute eft-soones for to plete, |
| And bringe on yow advocacyes newe?' |
1470 | `I? No,' quod she, and chaunged al hir hewe. |
| `What is he more aboute, me to drecche |
| And doon me wrong? What shal I do, allas? |
| Yet of himself nothing ne wolde I recche, |
| Nere it for Antenor and Eneas, |
1475 | That been his freendes in swich maner cas; |
| But, for the love of God, myn uncle dere, |
| No fors of that; lat him have al yfeere; |
| `Withouten that I have ynough for us.' |
| `Nay,' quod Pandare, `it shal no-thing be so. |
1480 | For I have been right now at Deiphebus, |
| And Ector, and myne othere lordes mo, |
| And shortly maked ech of hem his fo; |
| That, by my thrift, he shal it never winne |
| For ought he can, whan that so he biginne.' |
1485 | And as they casten what was best to done, |
| Deiphebus, of his owene curtasye, |
| Com hir to preye, in his propre persone, |
| To holde him on the morwe companye |
| At diner, which she nolde not denye, |
1490 | But goodly gan to his preyere obeye. |
| He thonked hir, and wente upon his weye. |