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1415 | But whan the cok, comune astrologer, |
Gan on his brest to bete, and after crowe, | |
And Lucifer, the dayes messager, | |
Gan for to ryse, and out hir bemes throwe; | |
And estward roos, to him that coude it knowe, | |
1420 | Fortuna Major, than anoon Criseyde, |
With herte sore, to Troilus thus seyde: -- |
`Myn hertes lyf, my trist and my plesaunce, | |
That I was born, allas! What me is wo, | |
That day of us mot make desseveraunce! | |
1425 | For tyme it is to ryse, and hennes go, |
Or elles I am lost for evermo! | |
O night, allas! Why niltow over us hove, | |
As longe as whanne Almena lay by Jove? |
`O blake night, as folk in bokes rede, | |
1430 | That shapen art by God this world to hyde |
At certeyn tymes with thy derke wede, | |
That under that men mighte in reste abyde, | |
Wel oughte bestes pleyne, and folk thee chyde, | |
That there as day with labour wolde us breste, | |
1435 | That thou thus fleest, and deynest us nought reste! |
`Thou doost, allas! To shortly thyn offyce, | |
Thou rakel night, ther God, makere of kinde, | |
Thee, for thyn hast and thyn unkinde vyce, | |
So faste ay to our hemi-spere binde. | |
1440 | That never more under the ground thou winde! |
For now, for thou so hyest out of Troye, | |
Have I forgon thus hastily my joye!' |
This Troilus, that with tho wordes felte, | |
As thoughte him tho, for pietous distresse, | |
1445 | The blody teeres from his herte melte, |
As he that never yet swich hevinesse | |
Assayed hadde, out of so greet gladnesse, | |
Gan therwithal Criseyde his lady dere | |
In armes streyne, and seyde in this manere: -- |
1450 | `O cruel day, accusour of the Joye |
That night and love han stole and faste ywryen, | |
Acursed be thy coming into Troye, | |
For every bore hath oon of thy bright yen! | |
Envyous day, what list thee so to spyen? | |
1455 | What hastow lost, why sekestow this place, |
Ther God thy lyght so quenche, for his grace? |
`Allas! What han thise loveres thee agilt, | |
Dispitous day? Thyn be the pyne of helle! | |
For many a lovere hastow shent, and wilt; | |
1460 | Thy pouring in wol nowher lete hem dwelle. |
What proferestow thy light here for to selle? | |
Go selle it hem that smale seles graven, | |
We wol thee nought, us nedeth no day haven.' |
And eek the sonne Tytan gan he chyde, | |
1465 | And seyde, `O fool, wel may men thee dispyse, |
That hast the Dawing al night by thy syde, | |
And suffrest hir so sone up fro thee ryse, | |
For to disesen loveres in this wyse. | |
What! Holde your bed ther, thou, and eek thy Morwe! | |
1470 | I bidde God, so yeve yow bothe sorwe!' |
Therwith ful sore he sighte, and thus he seyde, | |
`My lady right, and of my wele or wo | |
The welle and rote, O goodly myn, Criseyde, | |
And shal I ryse, allas! And shal I go? | |
1475 | Now fele I that myn herte moot atwo! |
For how sholde I my lyf an houre save, | |
Syn that with yow is al the lyf I have? |
`What shal I doon, for certes, I not how, | |
Ne whanne, allas! I shal the tyme see, | |
1480 | That in this plit I may be eft with yow; |
And of my lyf, God woot, how that shal be, | |
Syn that desyr right now so byteth me, | |
That I am deed anoon, but I retourne. | |
How sholde I longe, allas! Fro yow sojourne? |
1485 | `But nathelees, myn owene lady bright, |
Yit were it so that I wiste outrely, | |
That I, your humble servaunt and your knight, | |
Were in your herte set so fermely | |
As ye in myn, the which thing, trewely, | |
1490 | Me levere were than thise worldes tweyne, |
Yet sholde I bet enduren al my peyne.' |
To that Cryseyde answerde right anoon, | |
And with a syk she seyde, `O herte dere, | |
The game, y-wis, so ferforth now is goon, | |
1495 | That first shal Phebus falle fro his spere, |
And every egle been the dowves fere, | |
And every roche out of his place sterte, | |
Er Troilus out of Criseydes herte! |
`Ye he so depe in-with myn herte grave, | |
1500 | That, though I wolde it turne out of my thought, |
As wisly verray God my soule save, | |
To dyen in the peyne, I koude nought! | |
And, for the love of God that us bath wrought, | |
Lat in your brayn non other fantasye | |
1505 | So crepe, that it cause me to dye! |
`And that ye me wolde han as faste in minde | |
As I have yow, that wolde I yow biseche; | |
And, if I wiste soothly that to finde, | |
God mighte not a poynt my joyes eche! | |
1510 | But, herte myn, withoute more speche, |
Beth to me trewe, or elles were it routhe; | |
For I am thyn, by God and by my trouthe! |
`Beth glad forthy, and live in sikernesse; | |
Thus seyde I never er this, ne shal to mo; | |
1515 | And if to yow it were a gret gladnesse |
To turne ayein, soone after that ye go, | |
As fayn wolde I as ye, it were so, | |
As wisly God myn herte bringe at reste!' | |
And him in armes took, and ofte keste. |
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Next: From Troilus and Criseyde, Book III, lines 1520-1554: Separated, Troilus and Criseyde think about each other |
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