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This Troilus was present in the place, | |
Whan axed was for Antenor Criseyde, | |
150 | For which ful sone chaungen gan his face, |
As he that with tho wordes wel neigh deyde. | |
But nathelees, he no word to it seyde, | |
Lest men sholde his affeccioun espye; | |
With mannes herte he gan his sorwes drye. |
155 | And ful of anguissh and of grisly drede |
Abood what lordes wolde unto it seye; | |
And if they wolde graunte, as God forbede, | |
Th'eschaunge of hir, than thoughte he thinges tweye, | |
First, how to save hir honour, and what weye | |
160 | He mighte best th'eschaunge of hir withstonde; |
Ful faste he caste how al this mighte stonde. |
Love him made al prest to doon hir byde, | |
And rather dye than she sholde go; | |
But resoun seyde him, on that other syde, | |
165 | `Withoute assent of hir ne do not so, |
Lest for thy werk she wolde be thy fo, | |
And seyn, that thurgh thy medling is yblowe | |
Your bother love, there it was erst unknowe.' |
For which he gan deliberen, for the beste, | |
170 | That though the lordes wolde that she wente, |
He wolde lat hem graunte what hem leste, | |
And telle his lady first what that they mente. | |
And whan that she had seyd him hir entente, | |
Therafter wolde he werken also blyve, | |
175 | Though al the world ayein it wolde stryve. |
Ector, which that wel the Grekes herde, | |
For Antenor how they wolde han Criseyde, | |
Gan it withstonde, and sobrely answerde: -- | |
`Sires, she nis no prisoner,' he seyde; | |
180 | `I noot on yow who that this charge leyde, |
But, on my part, ye may eftsoone hem telle, | |
We usen here no wommen for to selle.' |
The noyse of peple up stirte thanne atones, | |
As breme as blase of straw yset on fyre; | |
185 | For infortune it wolde, for the nones, |
They sholden hir confusioun desyre. | |
`Ector,' quod they, `what goost may yow enspyre | |
This womman thus to shilde and doon us lese | |
Daun Antenor? -- a wrong wey now ye chese -- |
190 | `That is so wys, and eek so bold baroun, |
And we han nede to folk, as men may see; | |
He is eek oon, the grettest of this toun; | |
O Ector, lat tho fantasyes be! | |
O king Priam,' quod they, `thus seggen we, | |
195 | That al our voys is to forgon Criseyde;' |
And to deliveren Antenor they preyde. |
O Juvenal, lord! Trewe is thy sentence, | |
That litel witen folk what is to yerne | |
That they ne finde in hir desyr offence; | |
200 | For cloud of errour let hem not descerne |
What best is; and lo, here ensample as yerne. | |
This folk desiren now deliveraunce | |
Of Antenor, that broughte hem to meschaunce! |
For he was after traytour to the toun | |
205 | Of Troye; allas! They quitte him out to rathe; |
O nyce world, lo, thy discrecioun! | |
Criseyde, which that never dide hem scathe, | |
Shal now no lenger in hir blisse bathe; | |
But Antenor, he shal com hoom to toun, | |
210 | And she shal out; thus seyden here and howne. |
For which delibered was by parlement | |
For Antenor to yelden out Criseyde, | |
And it pronounced by the president, | |
Altheigh that Ector `nay' ful ofte preyde. | |
215 | And fynaly, what wight that it withseyde, |
It was for nought, it moste been, and sholde; | |
For substaunce of the parlement it wolde. |
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Next: From Troilus and Criseyde, Book IV, lines 218-336: Troilus pities himself for the decision of the Trojans |
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