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"Hoo!" quod the Knyght, "good sire, namoore of this, | |
That ye han seyd is right ynough, ywis, | |
And muchel moore, for litel hevynesse | |
Is right ynough to muche folk, I gesse. | |
5 | I seye for me, it is a greet disese |
Where as men han been in greet welthe and ese, | |
To heeren of hir sodeyn fal, allas! | |
And the contrarie is joye and greet solas, | |
As whan a man hath been in povre estaat, | |
10 | And clymbeth up, and wexeth fortunat, |
And there abideth in prosperitee. | |
Swich thyng is gladsom, as it thynketh me, | |
And of swich thyng were goodly for to telle." |
"Ye," quod our Hoost, "by Seint Poules belle, | |
15 | Ye seye right sooth; this Monk, he clappeth lowde, |
He spak, how Fortune covered with a clowde - | |
I noot nevere what; and also of a tragedie | |
Right now ye herde; and pardee, no remedie | |
It is for to biwaille ne compleyne | |
20 | That that is doon; and als it is a peyne, |
As ye han seyd, to heere of hevynesse. | |
Sire Monk, namoore of this, so God yow blesse! | |
Youre tale anoyeth al this compaignye; | |
Swich talkyng is nat worth a boterflye, | |
25 | For therinne is ther no desport ne game. |
Wherfore, sire Monk, or daun Piers by youre name, | |
I pray yow hertely, telle us somwhat elles, | |
For sikerly, nere clynkyng of youre belles | |
That on your bridel hange on every syde, | |
30 | By hevene kyng, that for us alle dyde, |
I sholde er this han fallen doun for sleepe, | |
Althogh the slough had never been so deepe; | |
Thanne hadde your tale al be toold in veyn. | |
For certeinly, as that thise clerkes seyn, | |
35 | Whereas a man may have noon audience, |
Noght helpeth it to tellen his sentence. | |
And wel I woot the substance is in me, | |
If any thyng shal wel reported be. | |
Sir, sey somwhat of huntyng, I yow preye." |
40 | "Nay," quod this Monk, "I have no lust to pleye; |
Not lat another telle as I have toold." | |
Thanne spak oure Hoost, with rude speche and boold, | |
And seyde unto the Nonnes Preest anon, | |
"Com neer, thou preest, com hyder, thou, sir John, | |
45 | Telle us swich thyng as may oure hertes glade; |
Be blithe, though thou ryde upon a jade. | |
What thogh thyn hors be bothe foul and lene? | |
If he wol serve thee, rekke nat a bene! | |
Looke that thyn herte be murie everemo." | |
50 | "Yis, sir," quod he, "yis, Hoost, so moot I go, |
But I be myrie, ywis, I wol be blamed." | |
And right anon his tale he hath attamed, | |
And thus he seyde unto us everichon, | |
This sweete preest, this goodly man sir John. |
Next: The Nun's Priest's Tale (ll. 55-680) | ![]() © Librarius All rights reserved. |