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From The Clerk's Tale, lines 176-196:
The people agree to Lord Walter's conditions
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Clerk's Tale
lines 197-210: About a poor village and its poorest inhabitants Janicula and his daughter Griselda

Incipit secunda pars.
Here begins the second part

       Noght fer fro thilke paleys honurable
Ther as this markys shoop his mariage,
Ther stood a throop, of site delitable,
200In which that povre folk of that village
Hadden hir beestes and hir herbergage,
And of hir lobour tooke hir sustenance,
After that the erthe yaf hem habundance.
       Not far from that same honoured palace where
This marquis planned his marriage, at this tide,
There was a village, on a site most fair,
200Wherein the poor folk of the countryside
Stabled their cattle and did all abide,
And where their labour gave them sustenance
After the earth had yielded abundance.

       Amonges thise povre folk ther dwelte a man
205Which that was holden povrest of hem alle;
But hye God somtyme senden kan
His grace into a litel oxes stalle
Janicula men of that throop hym calle.
A doghter hadde he, fair ynogh to sighte,
210And Grisildis this yonge mayden highte.
       Amongst these humble folk there dwelt a man
205Who was considered poorest of them all;
But the high God of heaven sometimes can
Send his grace to a little ox's stall;
Janicula men did this poor man call.
A daughter had he, fair enough to sight;
210Griselda was this young maid's name, the bright.

Next Next:
From The Clerk's Tale, lines 211-231:
About Griselda, the fairest under the sun