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From The Clerk's Tale, lines 162-175:
Lord Walter stipulates some conditions
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Clerk's Tale
lines 176-196: The people agree to Lord Walter's conditions

       With hertely wyl they sworen and assenten
To al this thyng, ther seyde no wight nay,
Bisekynge hym of grace er that they wenten,
That he wolde graunten hem a certein day
180Of his spousaille, as soone as evere he may,
For yet alwey the peple somwhat dredde
Lest that this markys no wyf wolde wedde.
       With hearty will they swore and gave assent
To all this, and no one of them said nay;
Praying him, of his grace, before they went,
That he would set for them a certain day
180For his espousal, soon as might be; yea,
For still the people had a little dread
Lest that the marquis would no woman wed.

       He graunted hem a day, swich as hym leste,
On which he wolde be wedded sikerly,
185And seyde he dide al this at hir requeste;
And they with humble entente, buxomly,
Knelynge upon hir knees ful reverently
Hym thonken alle, and thus they han an ende
Of hir entente, and hoom agayn they wende.
       He granted them the day that pleased him best
Whereon he would be married, certainly,
185And said he did all this at their request;
And they with humble hearts, obediently,
Kneeling upon their knees full reverently,
All thanked him there, and thus they made an end
Of their design and homeward did they wend.

190        And heerupon he to hise officeres
Comaundeth for the feste to purveye,
And to hise privee knyghtes and squieres
Swich charge yaf, as hym liste on hem leye.
And they to his comandement obeye,
195And ech of hem dooth al his diligence
To doon unto the feeste reverence.
190       And thereupon he to his officers
Ordered that for the fete they should provide,
And to his household gentlemen and squires,
Such charges gave as pleased him to decide;
And all obeyed him: let him praise or chide,
195And each of them did all his diligence
To show unto the fete his reverence.

Explicit prima pars.
Here ends the first part

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From The Clerk's Tale, lines 197-210:
About a poor village and its poorest inhabitants Janicula and his daughter Griselda