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From The Franklin's Tale, lines 139-192:
Dorigen's friends provide games and comfort
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Franklin's Tale
lines 193-216: A feast in the garden

       So on a day, right in the morwe tyde,
Unto a gardyn that was ther bisyde,
195In which that they hadde maad hir ordinaunce
Of vitaille and of oother purveiaunce,
They goon and pleye hem al the longe day.
And this was in the sixte morwe of May,
Which May hadde peynted with his softe shoures
200This gardyn ful of leves and of floures,
And craft of mannes hand so curiously
Arrayed hadde this gardyn trewely,
That nevere was ther gardyn of swich prys,
But if it were the verray Paradys.
205The odour of floures and the fresshe sighte
Wolde han maked any herte lighte
That evere was born, but if to greet siknesse
Or to greet sorwe helde it in distresse;
So ful it was of beautee with plesaunce.
210At after-dyner gonne they to daunce
And synge also, save Dorigen allone,
Which made alwey hir compleint and hir moone
For she ne saugh hym on the daunce go
That was hir housbonde, and hir love also.
215But nathelees she moste a tyme abyde,
And with good hope lete hir sorwe slyde.
       So on a day, all in the morningtide,
Unto a garden which was there beside,
195Wherein they'd given command that there should be
Food and whatever else was necessary,
They went for pleasure all the livelong day.
And this was on the morning sixth of May,
And May had painted with his soft warm showers
200This garden full of foliage and of flowers;
And work of man's hand had so curiously
Arrayed this lovely garden, truthfully,
That never was another of such price,
Unless it were the very Paradise.
205The scent of flowers and the fair fresh sight
Would have made any heart dance for delight
That ever was born, unless too great sickness
Or too great sorrow held it in distress;
So full it was of beauty and pleasance.
210After their dinner all began to dance,
And sing, also, except Dorigen alone,
Who made alway her same complaint and moan.
For him she saw not through the dancing go,
Who was her husband and her love also.
215Nevertheless, she must a time abide,
And with good hope held, let her sorrow slide.

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From The Franklin's Tale, lines 217-258:
Aurelius the squire's hidden love for Dorigen