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From The Franklin's Tale, lines 501-510:
The clerk invites the two brothers for dinner
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Franklin's Tale
lines 511-530: An agreement on the vanishment of the black costal rocks

       At after-soper fille they in tretee
What somme sholde this maistres gerdon be,
To remoeven alle the rokkes of Britayne,
And eek from Gerounde to the mouth of Sayne
       After the supper they discussed, they three,
What sum should this said master's reward be
For moving all rocks Breton coasts contain
From the Gironde unto the mouth of Seine.
515        He made it straunge, and swoor, so God hym save,
Lasse than a thousand pound he wolde nat have,
Ne gladly for that somme he wolde nat goon.
       Aurelius, with blisful herte anoon,
Answerde thus: "Fy on a thousand pound!
520This wyde world, which that men seye is round,
I wolde it yeve, if I were lord of it.
This bargayn is ful dryve, for we been knyt.
Ye shal be payed trewely, by my throuthe!
But looketh now for no necligence or slouthe
525Ye tarie us heere, no lenger than to-morwe."
       "Nay," quod this clerk, "have heer my feith to borwe.'
       To bedde is goon Aurelius whan hym leste,
And wel ny al that nyght he hadde his reste;
What for his labour and his hope of blisse,
530His woful herte of penaunce hadde a lisse.
515       He played for time, and swore, so God him save,
Less than a thousand he would not have,
Nor eagerly for that would take it on.
       Aurelius, with blissful heart, anon
Answered him thus: "Fig for a thousand pound!
520This great wide world, the which, men say, is round,
I'd give it all, if I were lord of it.
The bargain is concluded and we're knit.
You shall be truly paid, sir, by my troth!
But look you, for no negligence or sloth,
525Delay no longer than tomorrow morn."
       "Nay," said this clerk! "upon my faith I'm sworn."
       To bed went this Aurelius and undressed,
And well-nigh all that night he had his rest;
What of his labour and his hope of bliss
530The pain had left that woeful heart of his.

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From The Franklin's Tale, lines 531-552:
The two brothers and the wizard go back to Brittany