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From The Franklin's Tale, lines 511-530:
An agreement on the vanishment of the black costal rocks
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Franklin's Tale
lines 531-552: The two brothers and the wizard go back to Brittany

       Upon the morwe, whan that it was day,
To Britaigne tooke they the righte way,
Aurelius and this magicien bisyde,
And been descended ther they wolde abyde.
535And this was, as thise bookes me remembre,
The colde, frosty sesoun of Decembre.
       Phebus wax old, and hewed lyk latoun,
That in this hoote declynacioun
Shoon as the burned gold, and stremes brighte;
540But now in Capricorn adoun he lighte,
Where as he shoon ful pale, I dar wel seyn.
The bittre frostes, with the sleet and reyn,
Destroyed hath the grene in every yerd;
Janus sit by the fyr, with double berd,
545And drynketh of his bugle horn the wyn.
Biforn hym stant brawen of the tusked swyn,
And "Nowel" crieth every lusty man.
       Upon the morrow, when it was full day,
To Brittany took they the nearest way,
Aurelius, with this wizard at his side,
And thus they came to where they would abide;
535And that was, as the books say, I remember,
The cold and frosty season of December.
       Phoebus was old and coloured like pale brass,
That in hot declination coloured was
And shone like burnished gold with streamers bright;
540But now in Capricorn did he alight,
Wherein he palely shone, I dare explain.
The bitter frosts, with all the sleet and rain,
Had killed the green of every garden-yard.
Janus sat by the fire, with double beard,
545And drained from out his bugle horn the wine.
Before him stood the brawn of tusked swine,
And "Noel!" cried then every lusty man.
       Aurelius, in al that evere he kan,
Dooth to his master chiere and reverence,
550And preyeth hym to doon his diligence
To bryngen hym out of his peynes smerte,
Or with a swerd that he wolde slitte his herte.
       Aurelius, in all that he could plan,
Did to this master cheerful reverence,
550And prayed of him he'd use all diligence
To bring him from his pains that so did smart,
Or else with sword that he would slit his heart.

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From The Franklin's Tale, lines 553-588:
The wizard performs his conjuring: the black costal rocks are vanished