This squier, which that highte Aurelius, |
| On Dorigen that was so amorus, |
| Of aventure happed hir to meete |
| Amydde the toun, right in the quykkest strete, |
795 | As she was bown to goon the wey forth-right |
| Toward the gardyn, ther as she had hight. |
| And he was to the gardyn-ward also, |
| For wel he spyed whan she wolde go |
| Out of hir hous to any maner place. |
800 | But thus they mette, of aventure or grace |
| And he saleweth hir with glad entente, |
| And asked of hir whiderward she wente. |
| And she answerde, half as she were mad, |
| "Unto the gardyn as myn housbonde bad, |
805 | My trouthe for to holde, allas! allas!" |
| This squire I've told you of, Aurelius, |
| Of Dorigen he being so amorous, |
| Chanced, as it seems, his lady fair to meet |
| In middle town, right in the busiest street, |
795 | As she was going forth, as you have heard, |
| Toward the garden where she'd pledged her word. |
| And he was going gardenward also; |
| For he was always watching when she'd go |
| Out of her house to any kind of place. |
800 | But thus they met, by chance perhaps or grace; |
| And he saluted her with good intent, |
| And asked her, now, whither it was she went. |
| And she replied, as if she were half mad: |
| "Unto the garden, as my husband bade, |
805 | My promise there to keep, alas, alast" |