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From The Franklin's Tale, lines 837-848:
A happy end for Dorigen and Arviragus
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From The Canterbury Tales:
The Franklin's Tale
lines 849-862: Aurelius goes to the wizard to fulfil his promise

       Aurelius, that his cost hath al forlorn
850Curseth the tyme that evere he was born.
"Allas," quod he, "allas, that I bihighte
Of pured gold a thousand pound of wighte
Unto this philosophre! How shal I do?
I se namoore but that I am fordo;
855Myn heritage moot I nedes selle
And been a beggere; heere may I nat dwelle,
And shamen al my kynrede in this place,
But I of hym may gete bettre grace.
But nathelees I wole of hym assaye
860At certeyn dayes yeer by yeer to paye,
And thanke hym of his grete curteisye;
My trouthe wol I kepe, I wol nat lye."
       Aurelius, whose wealth was now forlorn,
850He cursed the time that ever he was born;
"Alas!" cried he, "Alas! that I did state
I'd pay fine gold a thousand pounds by weight
To this philosopher! What shall I do?
I see no better than I'm ruined too.
855All of my heritage I needs must sell
And be a beggar; here I cannot dwell
And shame all of my kindred in this place,
Unless I gain of him some better grace.
And so I'll go to him and try, today,
860On certain dates, from year to year, to pay,
And thank him for his princely courtesy;
For I will keep my word, and I'll not lie."

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From The Franklin's Tale, lines 863-886:
Aurelius tells the wizard about his financial constraint and repeats what happened